The Obituary of the Direct Relationship Our colleague Jonas - TopicsExpress


The Obituary of the Direct Relationship Our colleague Jonas Birkis, was recently terminated from his job of many years. Why you ask? Oh well please allow us to tell you. You see one day Jonas’ brother made a tweet. (HIS BROTHER NO LESS) His brother tweeted he was going to be playing drums at a concert and that he was flying to the event. Well the Ministry of Corporate Information was reading Jonas’s brothers “Tweets” (READING THE BROTHERS TWEETS) and determined the brother was in violation of the pass travel policies using his travel for personal gain. Well his tweet never indicated, he was to be compensated for the event, only that he was to playing drums in Nashville after visiting his mother in Chicago. Nevertheless, based on only a “Tweet” and the information contained in a pass travel record he is terminated. Ah, but wait – what about a coaching, loss of pass privileges, or probation. Oh and here is the best part. Not only did he go from zero to terminated , he, IS DENIED THE COVETED “CRP PROCESS.” Yes, he, has been denied the CRP process and has been sent directly to the EOC phase. This is outrageous. How’s that for your direct relationship? When advised about his status with the CRP, the gatekeeper told him; and we quote “legal council would be an unneeded expense.” Therefore, we have now gone from “Who’s your friend? Who’s your buddy?” “To, who are you?” in less than 10 seconds. Jonass direct relationship built on outstanding service of 16 years of, dependability and loyalty, dissolved as if a castle built out of sugar cubes when exposed to “hot water.” - Do you see the irony there? DO YOU? That can’t be right there must be more to the story…… Oh there is. You see Jonas is an outspoken UNION supporter. He is a supporter of his coworkers’ right to representation and a seat on the board. He volunteers for the union visibility tables and has been responsible for having coworkers sign cards indicating his coworkers would like to vote again. He supports justice and equality for all of his coworkers not just those favored by their individual masters. Jonas has stood his ground on many occasions upholding his unionist principles all while being an outstanding flight attendant. Did you get that part? “all while being an outstanding flight attendant.” Additionally, Jonas WAS NOT - PMNW,- he was an original “corporate baby.” It seems despite the fact; Mr. Birkis had an outstanding record of customer service, and had no real previous dependability issues, and had been nothing but an asset up until this point - well - corporate has decided to terminate him. To us it seems like he was let go because he was an outspoken union supporter. You have to ask yourself – “Why is the company reading his brothers TWEETS” and if they are doing this to his brother, what are they reading of yours? Are they reading your neighbors Facebook page and tweets? Are they monitoring what you read on the internet, is corporate busy looking up the sites you go to on the web? If corporate is capable of doing this to Jonas what will or can they do to you? Let us ask you something. Do you still not want a union? Do you still think you don’t need a legal representative with you during a management meeting? Do you still feel your manager has your back when the hot water is being poured over your sugar cube castle? If that is truly the case well, you may want to reread this topic again until the message sinks in. While we may not have a union, currently we do have the ability to help Jonas out. Jonas now has to pay for an attorney. We are asking you to help Jonas today by donating funds to pay for his defense attorney. If this were you, we would bet you would want the help as well. Please choose from the following amounts: $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $100 Follow the link at the bottom to donate – pay pal is secured, quick and convenient Remember this: If we had a union this issue would not exist today and we would not have to think about how much to donate to help Jonas out. If you donate $45.00 this amount could have been your monthly union dues and now you can see how your dues would assist others rather than line the pockets of those in charge. In a union, there is no severance agreement no stock options to trade just good will and the satisfaction of a job well done. Frankly, we don’t feel anyone would begrudge any of us for hiding satisfaction and a job well done under our mattress rather than bags of cash. Think about it next time we vote, so we don’t have to face this type scenario again. Or - you can simply do nothing and expect more of the same. If this is your choice well do nothing get nothing - is what I was once told - so there you go. Thanks for your time I know its valuable. https://paypal/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MJLR72656CUF6
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 14:29:53 +0000

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