The Observation committee notes with happiness that most Ghanaians - TopicsExpress


The Observation committee notes with happiness that most Ghanaians on fb participated in the 10books that has influenced my life challenge. We congratulate the brains behind the project and wish for more such projects that allow us to understand how some of us think, what has shaped our thinking so that we can with reasonable certainty predict our leadership philosophies if fate befall us. The O.C. is also equally concerned that a particular book called The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli found its way on most top 10s, was celebrated by many(through their comments), and recommended highly by many as a good read by anyone who has a political ambition. The O.C. believes the philosophy the book proposes are not to be aspired to or recommended for a polarized and corrupt society such as Ghana at this time of our nationhood because the methods proposed in the book includes(not limited to) is divisiveness, selfishness, my way or the highway, destructive, divide and conquer, unnecessarily spilling of blood of anyone including ones blood relatives as long as they become an impediment to ones selfish aims/goals. The O.C. Is aware the book is and has been a must read at Legon since God knows when and most of our past, current, and future leaders draw inspiration from it so are we surprised about the VINDICTIVE nature of our politics? Something to think about. The O.C. recommends A team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin instead for our current and future politicians because we believe inclusiveness, acceptance of diversity of thought, working with folks who have dissenting view to yours, etc are the only way a development model can be sustained in the long run. Good day!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:44:22 +0000

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