The Origin of Sacred Symbols and Row or Morris Games by T.L. - TopicsExpress


The Origin of Sacred Symbols and Row or Morris Games by T.L. Subash Chandira Bose and Jack Andrews Reprinted with permission. In our mother earth millions of symbols were found in caves, rocks surfaces, clay tablets, temples, stone pillars, manuscripts, scrolls, and copper plates. These symbols were engraved/drawn by our ancient people of different cultures. These symbols were drew the attention of the researchers and scholars may be around 200 -300 years before. Due to unknown reason our knowledge to understand the hidden meaning of the symbols are inadequate due to lack of ancient records more over it appears the knowledge may be kept as secret by limited people for unknown reasons. The origin and its period also cannot be identified exactly due to lack of written script near or around the symbols. In order to decipher one has to imagine, assume the environment, life style of the ancient people, their culture and religion. The scholars and researchers are managed to assume the approximate periods to rounded figure of different ages of civilization of human beings. So it remains as a tough task for the researchers and scholars to decipher the ancient symbols. There are some symbols with identical in shape and design, which were found at many places having different cultures and religions. Among those symbols, the symbol of three concentric oblongs found at Kalkalpen (01), and on rock surface and doorsteps of Holy of Holy in Tamil Nadu, India (02). The similar symbol was found on a clay sea during excavation work at Harappa. (03). A study on this particular symbol attracted the author, since a similar symbol (three concentric square) also found among the symbols in "Row or Morris Games" (04) it was also given title as a play board. world-mysteries/awr_7.htm
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 19:42:59 +0000

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