The Party of the Year!!!!!! Thank you so very much everyone for - TopicsExpress


The Party of the Year!!!!!! Thank you so very much everyone for attending and participating in keeping the surprise. We had so much fun planning this event and now its over and we cant stop talking about it. Dave is still taking it all in, its going to be a process for him. It is difficult to bear ones glory! Thank you all so much for joining us in honouring Dave. We will never look at the statue of David again without smiling. I would like to thank people who were instrumental in making this party happen. Rhonda Stowell - my own personal party planner (for free)! Thank you so much for all of your hard work before, during and after the evening. From cooking, to hostessing, to serving, to decorations, setting up and clean up. Most of all thank you for putting your heart in to all of these areas!! I am still hearing comments about you and your fabulousness (no surprise). Thank you dear Rhonda!!! Katie Dyck - Our beautiful daughter, so very proud of you. The video was the highlight of the evening!!!! From the pics to the 300 peanut butter balls (I have enough left over for Christmas) to the 130 taquitos (which never even got served because I had way too much food), cleaning house, setup and tear down, reminding me to calm down and pray. I love who you are, beautiful outside and inside!! Brandon Dyck - So handsome in that bowtie!!! I hear more comments about that video than anything else, an incredible job, so funny and meaningful. People are asking to see it again, can you post on my facebook? From all those peanut butter balls, set up and clean up, thank you! Im hearing stories how you approached people, introduced yourself and asked how they knew your dad. You rock!!! So proud of who you are!!! Kevin McInnes - The man. Thanks Kevin for doing such a fantastic job at being the mc!! Thank you for all your work in setup and handling all the details I knew nothing about, the statue of David was overthetop and your words so heartfelt. Thank you for your excitement from the very beginning!! Cheryl Bobbie and Ken. Oh my gosh! You both jumped in with both feet! Thank you for tiger butter, setup, cleanup, bartending, etc, etc. Thank you so very much!! Ken you have such a servants heart....always looking for ways to help. You both are such a joy in our lives!! Wow, your talent on the keyboard, who knew? Cathy Dawn Julius. Thank you so much Cathy for all your support, for the arrangement and food and storage. Most of all I thank you for your heart and wisdom and hugs in time of need. Sue and John, the bestest neighbours ever!! Thanks for your excitement and for hosting John and Sharon Sharron Dyck. They so enjoyed you both, of course! Thank you for not phoning the police too!! Elan Wiebe Thank you to Boyd as well for giving me keys and letting me run in and out. Not everyone would do that. The dip was excellent and most of all thank you for your wonderful son in our lives!! Adam David - You are an awesome young man! You just did what needed to be done Sue, its looked after. Thank you from preparing hundreds of stuffed dates to bartending, to picking up mom and Jan to your words given to Dave, such meaningful words, a gift forever!! Burton Wiebe Thank you so much Burton for making those appies on a Friday night, (I have enough left over for Christmas). Your beautiful words given to Dave, so heartfelt, thank you! We love having you in our lives! So happy for you that you chose such a lovely partner Ashley, you guys are great together. Thank you for carrying the balloons ;) Janice Gilley came all the way from Vancouver! Thanks Jan. You worked so hard Saturday, Im sure you had to go home to rest! Thanks so much for the pics too - they are fantastic! Kim Lindquist and Craig. Thanks guys so much for all those veggies, we had enough;) The clean up you guys did, oh my gosh! Craig your gift of service again shows up all night. Thank you both! Sharron and John Dyck Thank you guys so very much for all your excitement and hard work before and after the party, Im sure you went home tired. Thanks John for just taking care of all the little things during the evening. We so enjoyed having you around for a few days!! Ray and Pauline Rioux Thank you friends for coming all the way from Winnipeg and being a part of this celebration. You always always bring your hearts, fully offered. Thank you for all that hard work setting up, so glad you were here...until next time;) maybe on a cruise! Ananda Eves thank you Lanneh for you heart and excitement and your gift of giving and helping clean up. Thanks for taking photos - so much appreciated!! Love your heart! Jana Kotulak and Justin. I just found out you guys did most of the bartending, thank you so very very much! So generous with your time, thank you!! Morgan Claussen. Thanks Morgan for helping bartending and taking pics. You are a gentleman with a servants heart and a joy to know. Thank you so much!! Angela Dickau thanks Ang for helping out bartending and for just being you. It is always a joy to see you. A special thank you for your presence and for your incredible words. Doreen Graveline, mom (the best in the world) and Carrie Enns Sproule my mentor and dear friend!!!! Thank again for attending and celebrating David Dyck. Thank you Dave for just being who you are! You are LOVED!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 20:32:13 +0000

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