The Power of Initiation, an invitation to Empower YOURSELF - TopicsExpress


The Power of Initiation, an invitation to Empower YOURSELF LOVE IS THE STRONGEST FORCE ON EARTH. IT IS OUR POWER. Wouldn’t it just be amazing to live in harmony with all other living beings, and create the reality we have only ever dreamed? Which is Shamballah. Learn to command energy to fulfill you and give you the power and strength to overcome hard hitting negative belief systems embedded so deep into our cellular belief system, that no matter how hard we try we just seem to be unable to break through from these forces, see how it can all be changed and transmuted. Find clarity and focus and see for yourself what the power of initiation can bring to you. Find a way to break through the darkness and into the light. We are separated from our divine nature by the seemingly impassable barrier of the rational mind and ego. Yet we share an implicit awareness that a higher state exists within us partaking of the nature of the Sacred. We are capable of a deeper communion with a source of power far greater than any we can access by physical strength. The search for union may well be said to be the root motivation behind human existence. While the basis of this drive is both mysterious and elusive, its power is great. The purpose of Initiation therefore is to bridge the gap between us and our divine origin and its birthright. To bridge the gap between heaven and Earth. This 2-day workshop will involve: The information passed on from teacher-to-student from the King Salomon Lineage, is unchanged and has been tested over and over again for over 3000 years for the effectiveness to transform people’s lives. The Modern Mystery School offers these ancient teachings for those who want to become successful in life in modern times. This program brings you to a higher level of understanding and knowledge of the true mysteries. It enlightens the mind, transforms the soul, and gives you tools you can use daily to empower yourself and create abundance in your life. These teachings include: The origins of creation and the Universe Who and what you are, and what potential lies in your hands Why humanity exists Our progression in life Tools to help clear negative blocks inside you and protection from negativity around you Basic Universal Kabbalah A brief history of the Mystery Schools True meditation techniques The handing down of Sacred Teachings, Tools and Empowerments Physical Initiation into the Lineage The power of initiation from this lineage is a missing piece of true transformation and re-alignment to your body, soul and spirit that restores your connection to your Purpose and who you really are … Re-unite with your divine essence and the power to create the life you desire Anchor 10x more light in your body, giving you the energy to live a life of purpose and positive impact in the world and your community Receive 4 spiritual guides who will support you on a path of accelerated personal progression and joy Receive greater protection in your life, in mind body and soul Start living life in the flow of the Universal energy and light CONTACT KATHRYN VERNON - 07833 253857 Bluesavannagh@gmail The pre-requeste is a Life Activation
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:13:21 +0000

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