The Power of Suggestion in Politics by Stephanie Heck: One of - TopicsExpress


The Power of Suggestion in Politics by Stephanie Heck: One of the greatest differences between liberal and conservative mindsets, is that the conservative mindset is much more susceptible, and thus far more vulnerable to the power of suggestion than the liberal mindset could ever be. Liberals by their very nature are somewhat stubborn and intellectually autonomous, thus somewhat resistant to changing their mind about anything in absence of a well reasoned rational argument as to why they need to evolve on a particular issue. Liberals will not hesitate to change their mind if you prove to their satisfaction that their previous position is in error, or worse outdated. Liberals will not change their positions simply because the talking head on the 24/7 TV news cycle tells them to do so, as intellectually autonomous liberals have a long history of rejecting anything but the most rational and logical of arguments. This is precisely why liberals are immune to the subliminal suggestive propaganda of Fox News that has far more in common with an exploitive political infomercial than anything of news value. The well known vulnerability of the conservative mindset to the power of suggestion, makes gullible conservatives wide open to those exploitive practitioners of punditry who will be more than happy to brainwash them into believing that the President is a communist Muslim who was born in Kenya who wants to take away guns. Fortunately the liberal mindset is immune to such cascades of propagandist absurdity. As I stated, the autonomy of the liberal mind is a big part of the liberal psyche, and this is what makes liberals so fiercely independent, to the point that getting liberals to organize and act collectively requires that one be well skilled at herding cats. In stark diametric contrast to Liberal autonomy there is (in Newtonian context) an opposite and equal herd mentality among conservatives that makes them far more prone to go along with the crowd with only the slightest suggestion. This herd mentality makes them far more prone to suggestive exploitation as useful idiots by political entities with large advertising budgets, and few ethics, who regard them as sheep. This is one reason why the GOP has been so successful with running large numbers of malicious attack ads targeting conservative viewers, and liberal leaders, funded by extremist reactionary entities such as the Koch Brothers. In the conservative mind, the decision making process appears to be more of an impulse, rather than a finely tuned intellectual process of deliberation. This leaves those with a conservative mindset prone to exploitation in the workplace, in business, as well as by predatory and exploitive Political Action Committees that are funded by billionaires. It is the intent of these billionaires to induce and incite gullible voters to vote against their own best interests, as poor people and billionaires have so little in common. Conservatives tend to see things in simple terms of black and white absolutes as a matter of emotional expediency. This is well known and exploited by conservative advertisers. Problems and solutions are rarely so simple as to afford black-white solutions. This conservative inability to see a multitude of shades of grey is literally an intellectual form of color blindness that hampers the ability of the conservative mind to deliberate problems and analyze potential solutions with critical thinking skills. While liberals tend to see the entire chromatic spectrum in diametric context, because rationality demands that they try to see the bigger picture. It is this lack of conservative perception of numerous minute shades of grey that limits the potential for numerous grey solutions that could potentially be reached by compromise. Conservatives are not the most skilled people when it comes to compromise because many of them live in a bubble of black-white absolutes with no shades of grey. The inability to compromise out of misguided respect for absolutes leads to gridlock and stagnation to no small degree when conservatives are present in congress. Please look at the current congress to confirm. As Liberals, we do not take the talking heads on Fox News seriously, nor are we so gullible as to take the attack ads by the Koch Brothers as seriously as the denizens of conservative mediocrity do. The great thing about being a liberal is that it makes us immune to the suggestive powers of TV Preachers, and those alleged bankers who want us to wire money to Nigeria. :-) While the conservative mind take a minute amount of suggestion to change its position, the greatest strength of a liberal mind is that the power of suggestion comes from within.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 18:21:46 +0000

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