The Roles of Combat Tank/Juggernaut: The muscle jock. A - TopicsExpress


The Roles of Combat Tank/Juggernaut: The muscle jock. A major masochist who soaks in damage like he was born to take the enemy teams damage. Or render their attackers have capable of their total potency. But the most important aspect of the tank class is to protect every other class as to allow them unhindered focus of their respective roles. Class Specialty: Provocation, Crowd Control and sometimes even Supportive Bruiser/Fighter/Brawler: The guy in between. Having capabilities of rendering damage and soaking enemy team damage by a ratio of 6:4, 5:5, or 4:6. They go hand in hand with tanks as clash initiators and act as harassers of the enemy teams attackers. Neither tank or damager, but rather an equality of both into a single entity. But never succeeding in the abilities of a true tank or true attacker. Carry/Attacker/Damager: The cure for the itch. Their damage is simple -- unhindered and merciless bombardment of attacks within a given short amount of time. Their capabilities are best suited for single unit combat. Because of their low defense capabilities, they are easily taken down if focused by the enemy team. They are literally glass cannons. Assassin: Down and Out in a matter of seconds. Their abilities allow a burst of exceptional damage within a small frame of time. However, like the damagers, they are also of low health and defense, rendering them killable if focused on. Their combat capabilities are meant for that small frame of time, and should not be overextended in one-on-one combat. They go in, they go out. Or die trying to get out. But their role is crucial in taking down key members of the enemy team. Mage: The Bombshell, their role allows them a wide-target damaging capabilities, tenderizing the enemy team within a small frame of time. Their role is nearly similar to the damagers, with the exception of their capabilities rendered towards multiple targets rather than a single unit. Though their capabilities may not be as effective on a one-on-one combat with an attacker. And like other damaging classes, they are prone to damage if focused upon. Support/Healer: The Angel of the Team. Their role is to nourish all the other classes as to allow them further continuation of their roles or reviving the fallen to allow them combat once more. They may also be capable of rendering momentary barriers and buffs that would enhance the teams efficiency. They may be somewhat tanky, as to allow for longer stay in the field of combat.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:29:12 +0000

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