The Rothschilds Declare War On The United States That same - TopicsExpress


The Rothschilds Declare War On The United States That same year (1862) The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement, If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” Source: Eustace Mullins Secrets Of The Federal Reserve Editors Note: The above quote from a London newspaper in 1862 reveals the concern that the House of Rothschild and British Monarchy had in regard to President Abraham Lincolns printing of American currency, after Lincoln refused to borrow the Rothschilds currency at 19 percent interest, in order to finance the Civil War of 1863. Lincolns refusal to borrow money from the House of Rothschild was a direct threat to the Rothschilds control over the global economy. The Rothchilds solution was to orchestrate the murder of President Lincoln and to devise a way in which they could collude with the British Monarchy to takeover the United States for once and for all. They would achieve this by getting their own representatives elected to the U.S. Congress, and then using these representatives to pass treasonous legislation which was then used to destroy the American Republic. The first of these crimes came with Congresses passage of the treasonous Legislative *Act of 1871, which created a new corporate constitution for the United States that has since been used to usurp our organic Constitution of 1787. *Author G. Edward Griffin claims to have unearthed evidence that the Legislative Act of 1871 was abolished a few years after it was created, which may be true. However, the Constitution which was used to replace our original 1787 Constitution remains in place. In addition to this, the fact that the 13Th Amendment - which referred to titles of nobility not being used by the elected leadership of the United States - was never repealed, yet removed from the new version of the U.S. Constitution, remains problematic. The Congress removed the 13Th Amendment from the Constitution illegally. This is especially important when considering that the 13Th Amendment also prohibited lawyers from obtaining employment within the U.S. Federal Government, since a large percentage of U.S. politicians are lawyers, as are all of the judges in the United States. There is also evidence to suggest that there were two 16Th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution; the first of these was included in the original Constitution drafted in 1787, and had nothing to do with the imposition of an income tax. The second 16Th Amendment was illegally ratified in 1913. This Amendment allowed the American workers wages to be taxed. Along with the treasonous passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which removed the power from Congress to coin and regulate the value of U.S. Currency, and placed it into the hands of a cartel of counterfeiters and launders who would operate under the newly created Federal Reserve Bank, the American middle class became the target of one of the most clandestine forms of class warfare in human history. A man by the name of Bill Benson has offered irrefutable proof that this second version of the 16Th Amendment was never legally ratified. Bensons information continues to plague the U.S. Congress, as well as the Internal Revenue and Federal Reserve System, since they are doing everthing possible to cover up their own complicity in enforcing an Amendment which they know was never legally ratified. They have gone so far as censuring Benson in order to prevent him from circulating his information. The United States of America has been subverted by this cadre of criminals ever since that time, and remains so to this very day. This has also resulted in the complete subversion of the three branches of the U.S. Federal Government, which remain a front for this Anglo-Zionist cadre of war profiteers, whose counterfeiting and money laundering operations have been used to destroy the wealth of once great nations like the United States, while furtively enslaving the citizens of these nations under the tyrannical Roman law of Lex Fori. ** Like President Lincoln, Russias nobility also refused to deal with the Rothschild Family, which had a closed door policy which banned the Rothschilds from Russia. This would eventually result in the Rothchilds utilization of one of their American representatives, Jacob Schiff, to use 20 million dollars of his own money to finance the Bolshevik Revolution, which removed Russias nobility from power while placing the country under the furtive control of the House of Rothschild. From that time on, Russia has been a Communist country controlled by the Zionist Jews who along with the British Monarchy, also control the United States of America through the Federal Reserve System. This makes the United States Federal Government Communistic in its ideals, regardless of how cleverly this has been concealed from the American people. And it is the Rothschilds propaganda machine in America - the U.S. Intelligence community and its control over the U.S. media through Operation Mockingbird - that has made this deception of the American people possible. Neutralizing The Alternative Journalist This author has noticed how cleverly the Rothschild financed and controlled U.S. Intelligence community (which was created by Nazis smuggled into the United States under the newly created CIAs Project Paperclip of the late 1940s) has been able to infiltrate the alternative journalist community on the Internet. The result has been that many credible investigative journalists and government whistle blowers have been manipulated into attacking one another and spending their time both defending their own actions while demonizing their opposition. This forces them to stop conducting much of their valuable research into government crimes while expending most of their time and energy attacking their opponents. This results in the neutralization of these journalists whether they realize it or not. Is there a logical solution to this adversity? Actually there is. The solution is to ignore their opposition and go back to the investigative reporting that was good enough to make these men and women targets of this government COINTELPRO operation in the first place. If these journalists were not conducting useful research the government would not be spending money employing Intel agents to neutralize them. With this in mind, imagine if all of the alternative journalists who have been tricked into battling with one another suddenly decided to go back to their investigative research, how this would completely frustrate the Intel communitys efforts to neutralize them. The bottom line is that an alternative journalist doesnt have the resources to battle a government sponsored smear campaign, whose agents make their livings conducting such covert and illegal operations. So why bother to aid and abet these agents by wasting your valuable time being drawn into their provocations? The same is true with the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking, where by simply ignoring these Orwellian vigilantes, you can neutralize many of their criminal campaigns against your person. After all, these people are being used to commit clearly identifiable crimes under Title 18 of the United States Code, since stalking is a crime. And that means that stalking in large numbers is an even worse crime. And the oftentimes horrific crimes being committed by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex with their classified electronic warfare technology, must be considered to be crimes against humanity. What you will also find is that as you succeed in neutralizing them, the crimes these provocateurs commit against your person will become more aggressive, clearly identifying them as the criminal conspirators that they are. Those who desecrate the United States Bill of Rights for their own criminal and treasonous agenda. Be smart and dont allow them to draw you into their machinations. Also remember that any government that would secretly brain fingerprint its own people and then attempt to murder those who know about such a treasonous act, should be abolished. - James F. Marino https://youtube/watch?v=Cz4y0YuclHo
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:36:13 +0000

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