The Skirrid Inn, South Wales. Friday 23rd January. Dinner - TopicsExpress


The Skirrid Inn, South Wales. Friday 23rd January. Dinner Included This location is purely bloody terrifying and very intimidating, and many ghost hunters have left this location feeling very un-earthed. The Skirrid Inn is in the top 10 of the most haunted locations in the UK. Dark entities, voices, footsteps, glassess smashing is just a fraction of the paranormal activity recorded here! Ghosts of Skirrid Inn: Skirrid Inn is the residence of several spirits and various supernatural occurrences have happened there. The inn has a reputation of being one of the scariest places in the UK that several paranormal investigators have visited it over the years to refute and prove the existence of its ghostly residents. Some popular TV shows which have been to the inn are Eerie Evenings and Midlands’ Ghost Hunt. When the formerly landlady of the inn tried to sell it, glasses went mysteriously flying in the kitchen. The Hanging Judge is rumoured to still talk the upper floors of the inn, looking for people to condemn to death. One felon who was sentenced to death, John Crowther, a sheep rustler, has been seen several times in the property. The evil presence of the judge’s hangman has also been reported. However, not all spirits in the Skirrid are malevolent. There are also friendly entities which have settled in the house such as that of the Father Henry Vaughn, a local clergyman. There is also the spirit of Fanny Price, a woman who worked in the inn during the 18th century who died of consumption at the age of 35, which is most active in Room 3. Other ghostly occurrences in the house are the powerful scent of perfume; glasses flying without being touched; the rustling of a lady’s dress; sound of soldiers in the courtyard and sightings of the White Lady. Visitors have reported a myriad of disturbing phenomena and most of them have complained that they felt as if they were being strangled. Others have said that they felt nauseous and dizzy while in the property. For more information and to book please go to:
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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