The Sleeping Elder In The Confab Died! I was so bothered and - TopicsExpress


The Sleeping Elder In The Confab Died! I was so bothered and sad this morning when I went into Facebook and read many young men and women playing sarcastic humour with our sleeping elders in the confab. I was sad because this group of humourists might not have heard the story and death of that elder, who was a one time Assistant inspector General of Police, Alhaji Misau, a delegate from Bauchi State. The erstwhile Assistant Inspector General had traveled by road to Abuja for hours that day he was caught napping on his seat. It was a rigorous journey, one in which he bore the pains as he had to be in the confab that day. He arrived the confab and was conveyed immediately to his seat. It was because of the rigours of the journey that nature overtook his will. He dosed off and was caught on camera. He died in his hotel room, apparently due to the rigours of that journey to the confab to serve his nation. He was found foaming on his bed and died before he could get to the national Hospital, Abuja. You can now see why I was sad to read all the jokes played out on Facebook with this awful scenario by our youth who thought they should be more represented in the confab than these experienced elders. By the way, by what I have read, seen and heard about this group of youth, the group that are shouting to be heavily represented in the confab, I am not at all impressed or convinced that they merit such large number of representation as they are clamouring for. Their manners are short-changed, their language is sickening, their orientation is unbecoming and too radical, their behaviour is wanton and their aspirations and ambitions are devoid of goodwill. They havent known any good thing since military era until date. Those of them who had served in the public or private sector in one capacity or the other havent merited or justified any good opinion from any quarters, talk least from the elders. Their size of aggression and rudeness is astronomic and will not help in a sizable meeting talk least in a confab of that magnitude and expectation, not even with their sarcastic and unwarranted humour which they spew at any undue opportunity. The presence of those elders gathered in that confab is a plus for this nation. I AM NOT SAYING THE YOUTH SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AROUND THE CONFAB, but, they should allow the composition of the confab as it is in order to draw from the wealth of experience of our elders who have served in the highest capacities in the nation. They know where they went wrong and are the only ones to prescribe a panacea for those wrongs. Most of our youth had spent a long time studying for their various disciplines. They know a lot of theories of how it should work according to Socrates and Sophocles. These theories did not take into consideration a lot of the pragmatics. If the age range of the youth is assumed between 18 and 45, then, it goes a long way to assume that, they have not acquired enough practical experience to constitute the larger part of a delegation to plot a final way forward for our nation despite the successes recorded amongst their lot. The numbers as constituted is reasonable enough.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:30:26 +0000

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