The Spinelli EU. In September 2010 a new EU group was launched, - TopicsExpress


The Spinelli EU. In September 2010 a new EU group was launched, called the Spinelli Group. Among its stated aims was the replacing of the nation states of Europe with a federal European super state. The group is influenced by Altiero Spinelli, 1907-1986, an Italian Communist and the founder of the European federalist movement. As a Communist he promoted the European denial of racial, religious and cultural belonging, he called for the formation of a world government but upon gaining a position within the emerging EU, he settled for a concept he called at first Euro Communism, then Euro Federalism. Alongside Monet and Schumann he is considered one of the founders of the EU. Its main house in Brussels is named after him. Spinelli grew to believe that if communism was replaced by federalism, a word without connections to blood, destruction and terror then it would be an easier sell. However it would have the same aim; the destruction of the nations states of Europe and the shearing away of tradition, race and culture, leading to a new Europe when a small elite would rule and all else would obey. Central to the thinking of Spinelli was that a European Army should be formed, that all depths should be federalized, and that all peoples would in the end be governed by one law. At the launch of the group in 2010 its leader then Guy Verhofstadt clarified its ideology by explained that each time that there is a conflict between the national interest and the European interest, the latter should prevail”. This is the essence of the EU. Pat Cox, Enda Kennys choice for our president in the last presidential elections was not a member of Fine Gael, but he was a member of this group. The EU is the working out of Spinelli’s plan, bizarre and hidden yes but true. Know this! “Though no one knows what a race is, and the most elementary notions of history emphasize the absurdity of the statement, physiologists are required to believe, demonstrate and convince that people belong to a chosen race”. “The question which must be resolved first, failing which progress is but mere appearance, is definitive abolition of division of Europe into national, sovereign States”. “The constitution of a steady federal State, will have a European armed service instead of national armies at its disposal”. “In order to respond to our needs, the European revolution must be socialist.”. “Private property must be abolished, limited, corrected, extended: according to the different situations and not according to principle. This guideline is easily inserted into the process of forming a European economic life”. “We can this way think of an agrarian reform by distributing the lands directly to farmers, the number of land-owners is going to increase enormously”. “Only those who have identified and accepted the European revolution as the principle purpose in their lives are to be recruited into the movement”. From the writings of Altiero Spinelli, 1907-1986. EU influence No1.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 14:21:22 +0000

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