The Sunday Sermons . . . September 22, 2013 . . . Jesus: “I AM - TopicsExpress


The Sunday Sermons . . . September 22, 2013 . . . Jesus: “I AM with you! I AM always with you. And our relationship grows closer, still: when you choose it, of your own freewill; when we establish a friendship, beyond dimensions, beyond outer-appearances, and sit with each other, within! “Some of you ‘know, the mission,’ you have been sent to Earth to accomplish. Some of you are ‘still seeking,’ trying to figure-out what it is you are to do. Some of you ‘have pieces, and are fitting the puzzle together, the answer... seems close to view... “This morning, with great love, My words are intended for those of you ~ who know the mission, ~ and who have still said, ‘Yes!’ ~ for there is much work to do! “How can you bring ~ The Kingdom of God ~ onto the Earth, in such a powerful way, that all who are close, see it, and recognize it, ‘as of another world, another kingdom, in their midst?’ I will tell you... now... “Do not be dissuaded ~ by the ways of the world, ~ the words of the world, ~ the impositions of the world of man; ~ for I say unto you, ‘Many have stood at the doorway of completion, yet turned, and walked from it; because they have ‘listened,’ they have listened when other said, ‘ cannot do this! This is impossible. There are too many obstacles. You are wasting your time.’ They listened to the chorus ~ of ‘the ways of the world,’ and they walked away from ~ ‘The Kingdom of God’ ~ that was just over the threshold, around the corner. “When you are willing to move forward, when many around you say, ‘Stop,’ you will see ~ the unseen, ~ because you will bring onto the Earth the gift, the promise, the fulfillment, of what was always there! It just took ‘faith, and trust, for it to appear,’ so all might see, the unseen! When you are guided by Spirit, from within, you make it possible for others to see, the unseen, by what you do. It takes faith, faith born anew every day, sometimes two, and three, and four times a day, because the temptations... will be abundant. “There is comfort in mediocrity, because once you have resigned yourself to live in a certain way, to be complacent, about what is going on around you, it is comforting to know, to look around, and see, that you have company, that you get-up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, get-up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, and find yourself in a comfortable repetition. This is ‘the distraction,’ that keeps so many from fulfilling the promise, from delivering The Kingdom of God to Earth. “Listen to the guidance, from within! It is the only Way... to do it... to fulfill your mission, to actually see... The Kingdom of God... flowing... onto the Earth! And if you will begin to pay attention to what is happening around you, you will find others doing the same thing, truly walking to the rhythm of a heavenly symphony, being guided by the voices of angels, finding comfort in the direction, written by the finger of God. That which makes ‘no sense,’ ~ in the world of man ~ is an everyday occurrence in ~ The Dimension of Perfection; ~ for, that which is to be moved, will be moved, when you arrive at that place. In fact, mountains will crumble, if that is what is required, for you to move forward. The sea will part, if that is what is required, for you to move forward. And the voices ‘of dissension,’ will be quieted, if that is what is required, for you to move forward. “Close your eyes to the ways of the world, and look, and see the unseen! Close your ears to the words of the world, and listen to the voices of angels. Move at a pace that is regal, and poised, and you will open the door, and the promise will be there! Seek, and you will find that it has been with you, all the time. The unseen ~ is more powerful ~ than the seen; the words of angels, more stirring, than the poetry of man; the promise, more fulfilling, than all the gold and silver, you can hold in your hand. “Rise-up... and look... and see... the unseen!”
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:13:18 +0000

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