The Support Darren Wilson pages have both stopped operating or - TopicsExpress


The Support Darren Wilson pages have both stopped operating or accepting donations, under mysterious circumstances. I dunno if this is related, but I did a bunch of digging into this and (at the very least) 4chan had totally co-opted the campaigns for the purposes of spreading butthurt to SJWs (aka social justice warriors, aka liberal types who get outraged by outrageous things on the internet). To those who dont know, 4chan is the absolute, unequivocal butthole of the internet. It is basically a bunch of messageboards that provide complete anonymity, meaning that anyone can do anything they want without fear of reprisal. Their /pol/ board, which is short for politically incorrect, found the Support Darren Wilson campaign very early on, and made it their goal to get Darren Wilsons donations to exceed Mike Browns. From their mission statement: THE PLAN: Cause as much butthurt as possible. This will cause news agencies & SJWs to spread the campaign, making it known far and wide. All their hate will result in pro-Wilson folks hearing about it & donating money, causing even more SJW ass-pain, which is our ultimate goal. (Here is an archived version of a thread from August 22; they have pulled their threads from 4chan itself, as they realized people were onto them there: 4chan has been responsible for the flood of racist comments the Darren Wilson campaigns have been receiving. After GoFundMe disabled the comment feature on the campaigns, 4chan figured out a little script to post in the url bar in order to make the comment box appear again, and continued posting racist comments. They love when news organizations quote the racist comments they made; that is the whole point. It is just a huge trolling campaign, for their part, to make people angry, and it has been working very well. The last phase of their plan that I saw, on Friday (before all their threads disappeared) was a false flag operation (their words) wherein one of them set up a petition via to Hand Over Wilson Donations to the Brown Family. The petition links the Support Darren Wilson page prominently at the top, feigns outrage, and then says to sign the petition if you agree that the money should go to the Brown family instead of Wilson. The actual purpose of this was to get people (SJWs) to spread it around further, which would actually serve to advertise Wilsons donation page even more, and people who disagreed with the petition would see it and continue to donate. 4chans latest goal was to reach 6 million shekels (they like to convert US currency into shekels, because they like to be racist toward Jewish folks as well), and they figured this petition would help. Here is the link; dont spread it around; it is BS: The person who starts a petition also gets access to the email addresses of anyone who signs as well, which 4chan was very excited about -- they would have the email addys of tons of SJWs to use for harassment purposes later. The petition now has 0 signers, whereas on Friday it was up to 50. I cant help but wonder if the donation pages shutting down, the 4chan threads disappearing, and the petition losing its supporters are all related.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:09:29 +0000

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