The THREE DONUT BATTLE ROYALE: The Great Donut Debate on FB - TopicsExpress


The THREE DONUT BATTLE ROYALE: The Great Donut Debate on FB Flower Mound Cares inspired me to go to all three shops on the corner at 2499/3040 yesterday morning to check out the goods for myself. I ordered the same donut and made similar statements about my purpose in all three locations. The following thoughts are my own unscientific observations and opinions. 10:18 am - first stop – Jerry’s Evil Empire of Donuts. I’ve consumed many a Dunkin over the years in my travels so I had high expectations. The DD store was packed so my first concern is that the parking spots appear to be the same size as the Walmart spaces that caused consternation and near-panic among FMC readers two months ago. The store itself has the familiar, consistent, and generic look of all DDs, complete with pictures of what the menu items are actually supposed to look like. Anyway, I ordered a singular powdered donut and announced to the teenaged register attendant that I was researching the most pressing social issue facing Flower Mound today. Another patron looked mildly amused but said nothing. The DD rep smiled and made good eye contact, but otherwise seemed benignly unaware that, in her hand, she held the key to happiness for over 60,000 fellow Flower Mounders. I paid my 99 cents and went to eat in my car so I could concentrate on the mission at hand. Admiring the perfectly proportional circle of goodness, I noticed that the powdered sugar adhered nicely to the cake and just a little came off on my fingers as I ate. It was a good start. After two bites, however, I felt like I needed a swig of coffee as the treat was dense and a tad dry. It tasted good, but the texture had the ‘wow’ of an 8 – 8 Cowboys team. 10:27 am – second stop – Sara’s Donuts. Completely unaware of Sara’s before the start of the Flower Mound donut war I did not know what to expect but I walked in with open mind and heart, ready to receive. The store itself is colorful, inviting, non-corporate, and kid-friendly. With one order in progress and another patron behind me, the greeting from behind the counter was immediate and genuine. I ordered my singular powdered donut advising the server that I was performing vital research on the social, mating, and donut-eating habits of Flower Mound residents. The order-in-progress proclaimed that Sara’s “is the best” and, if girth is an indicator of donut expertise, well, let’s just say that he knew what he was talking about. The circular confection cost 75 cents and I raced to the car anticipating rapture. Imagine my delight to find that, in addition to paying 25% less than I had paid at Jerry World, there were four free donut holes in the bag. The first hole transported me to a state of euphoric ecstasy – there was an extra hint of something – vanilla? in the taste of this. The main course was soft, fluffy, moist, and I savored Sara’s subtle sweetness wondering if a full dozen could land me in a Twelve Step program. 10:36 am – third stop – Southern Maid. Customer traffic was light with two orders in progress and two tables eating. The store décor was uninspired and devoid of corporate messaging but the greeting was warm. I ordered the prized powdery puff of perfection and announced that I was doing post-graduate research on suburban confectionery consumption. Overhearing me, another patron confidently proclaimed that this stop “will be the winner” and the nice lady behind the counter just smiled. Anyway, she served up my donut-to-go as requested, took my 80 cents and I returned to the car wondering if, just maybe, I would be overcome again by donut bliss. Surprise again as tucked inside the bag were three complimentary donut holes!!! I ate one – it was darn good, but it was not the out-of-body experience that I had previously enjoyed so I moved on to my last powdered donut of the morning. The taste and texture of the day’s third spherical sugary snack had a melt-in-your-mouth quality, but there was so much loose powdered sugar that the resultant mess on my shirt reminded me of a scene from ‘Scarface’. In a sugar-induced coma, I listened to Yanni as I considered, compared, contrasted, and cataloged each sensation in my 22 minute donut odyssey. Value – Sara’s was the clear winner with SMaid a close second. Comparatively, the Jerry donut was as overpriced as $60 stadium parking. Consistency/Texture – for my liking, the SMaid and Sara’s treat were comparable – light, fluffy, and superior to the denser DD sample. Taste – Sara’s was the winner in my book, with SMaid second, and DD third. As I ate the leftover donut holes from Sara’s and SMaid, I sadly contemplated the political incorrectness and insensitivity of DD calling their donut holes ‘Munchkins’ and wondered if I should partner with Gregory Harper to organize a local ‘MADD’ chapter – Midgets Against Dunkin Donuts. Barbeque anyone?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:52:47 +0000

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