The Tea Party is out of the mainstream because compromise & - TopicsExpress


The Tea Party is out of the mainstream because compromise & bipartisanship are sins to them! Rush blasting Christie: That is a play for this mythical group of people who believe in bipartisanship and working together (and more): rushlimbaugh/daily/2013/11/19/chris_christie_s_sympathy_for_obama Chris Christies Sympathy for Obama November 19, 2013 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: This reminds me of a sound bite Ive got here. I dont even remember which one it is, but Ill find it. Hang on, folks. Let me find this. Oh, its about Christie. Do I have it here? Chris Christie, Chris Christie, Chris Christie. (muttering) Yeah, grab 19 and 20. (interruption) Well, that talk about moderate/conservative Republicans reminded me that Governor Christie basically last night in Washington, at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council Forum, said that he feels sorry for Obama, that we just elected him and now were shoving him out the door, but he is a failure and everything. Heres how it went. We have two sound bites. Heres number one. CHRISTIE: Were three years away from the presidential election, you know? I mean, in this sense, I feel badly for President Obama. He just won a year ago and everybodys like, So, whos next? You know, I mean, there is work to be done in this country, and, as we shove him out the door, we minimize his ability to be an effective executive. We shouldnt do that. RUSH: Thats right. We need bipartisanship, and Governor Christie -- I kid you not. He just said it. All right. Play it again. Play it again, cause theres a point to be made here. (replaying of sound bite) You know, this is why I ask, Is there not a Republican that wants to beat Democrats? Governor Christie today... A friend of mine passes notes back and forth, like high school, and this guy says to me, Ah, Christies out there on the warpath again today telling everybody what we need is bipartisanship, thats what the... I wrote him back. I said, You know, I dont understand something. Do these people in the Republican Party in the Northeast who keep talking about being able to cross the aisle and work with Democrats and be bipartisan, do they not understand theyre losing doing this? Do they not understand the tactic isnt working? Im being serious with the question. Since 2000... Well, even prior, but in 2008, McCain -- well, hell, even 2000 McCain – said, I can cross the aisle. I can work with the other side. Were obsessed. These Republican establishment types are obsessed. They still live in this dream world where they think parliament who are the deciding factors in presidential elections believe in this bipartisan working together, and every time we nominate a candidate who lays claim to being able to do it, they get skunked. Isnt the evidence clear the tactic doesnt work? So why keep going for it when the tactic doesnt work? You look at this Washington Post story that says if the election were held today that Romney would win by the same margin Obama won -- Romney would win the election today with everybody knowing what they know now -- and theres not one word about bipartisan or Hispanics or anything the Republicans think theyve gotta do to win. Its all because of Obama. Its not because Romney has all of a sudden become loved and adored. Its because people have finally seen the truth about Obama. Well, that could have been hastened and helped if we had a party that would have told people the truth about Obama, but they didnt. Now heres Governor Christie lamenting the fact that we shouldnt minimize Obamas ability to be an executive. Well Im, like you, stupefied. Sometimes you know what I think? Im gonna catch heck for this. Im just... Maybe I ought to reserve this til later. Sometimes I think some people are just caught up in being celebrities, and whatever that takes is it. The celebrity for life, you know? Sometimes I wonder. No, Im not talking about anybody in particular. Its just this cross the aisle, bipartisan, work-together tactic doesnt work. The Republicans are not winning presidential elections with that, and yet we keep hyping it. Heres the next sound bite Governor Christie. In the next breath, he says that Obamacare is and always was a failure and wont succeed. Somebody said that way back in 2009. I forget who. CHRISTIE: Obamacare is a failure, its always been a failure, and it will not succeed. It just wont. Obamacare is wrong. Its a failure. Its the most extraordinary overreach of government power in the history of our country. And, its being run by people whove never run anything. So why are we surprised its failing? RUSH: Obama is the one whos failing. Its Obamacare, always was gonna be a failure. Somebody said that back in 2009, in January, January 16th. I remember only one person said it; thats right. But how do you go from -- were shoving him out the door, we minimize his ability to be chief, we shouldnt do that. That is a play for this mythical group of people who believe in bipartisanship and working together and all that, so you get that out of the way and then you come lower the hammer, because the second thing Christie said, it would be an idiot to then go back and work with Obama after having described Obama and Obamacare that way, as a failure, always was gonna be a failure, cant work, run by people whove never run anything, are we surprised its failing. But lets work with him anyway? Maybe I just listen too closely. Im just not supposed to hear everything thats said. END TRANSCRIPT Related Links CBS: Christie: Pres. Obamas Health Care Overhaul A Failure philadelphia.cbslocal/2013/11/18/christie-pres-obamas-healthcare-overhaul-a-failure/ RushLimbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails - Jan 16, 2009 rushlimbaugh/daily/2009/01/16/limbaugh_i_hope_obama_fails RushLimbaugh: Help Us Sell Advertising! Click on This Story About What Christies Win Really Means - 11.07.13 rushlimbaugh/daily/2013/11/07/help_us_sell_advertising_click_on_this_story_about_what_christie_s_win_really_means
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:45:56 +0000

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