The Tragedy of Thar… Before I go into this excellent ET’s - TopicsExpress


The Tragedy of Thar… Before I go into this excellent ET’s editorial, let me begin by quoting Rumi, the Poet of the Soul and this is what he said: “My heart is so small its almost invisible. How can You place such big sorrows in it? Look, He answered, your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world.” This sums it all and administration that is blind and refuses to acknowledge its own contribution to the tragedy… --- Death, when it visits the homes of the poor and powerless, it appears, has no impact on the influential individuals who run the affairs of the government. This has been the experience in Tharparkar, which has now suffered three consecutive years of drought. On November 17, another 11 children died as a result of malnourishment, unsafe water or the maladies that arise from this. The new deaths brought the toll for just two days up to 20 and for the last 48 days, to 80. Over the past 11 months, 275 children have died in Tharparkar. The numbers continue to be disputed by the administration, but the people and organisations who work in the affected communities are in no doubt that the long years without sufficient rain, as well as mis-governance, have caused the deaths that the region has seen. What is of extreme concern is the inability or unwillingness of the government to tackle the situation. Newspaper reports say there has been massive corruption and mismanagementin the distribution of food aid and other assistance promised by the Sindh government. There is an element of extreme incompetence and political infighting involved in all this. The powers that be in Sindh have clearly failed to address the continuing catastrophe in Tharparkar. There is also controversy over a report prepared by the provincial anti-corruption department, which claims that the misuse of funds has been one of the factors in all the misery that Tharparkar has seen for many months. The question is why the provincial government has appeared so helpless and so unable to offer any help. In hospitals in Mithi and other towns, the conditions are reported to be miserable, with insufficient personnel and equipment available to assist people. Doctors have also claimed that deaths are not necessarily caused by starvation alone. This is essentially an academic point. Lack of food leads to multiple other problems, which can eventually cause loss of life. This is what has happened in Tharparkar, and even now, after hundreds of deaths, we see no real effort to end the fallout from the drought, which lies at the centre of the problem. --- Imran Khan is committed to challenge the administration in Islamabad. He wants to demonstrate that the administration has failed to address the problems of the people and he is right. For too long the people have been denied their rights For too long the people have been denied any hope For too long has the dream of Quaid been frustrated. For too long has this tail wagged the dog For too long the people have denied the fruits of the labor For too long the Allama’s message has been crushed. For too long the state beginning with PML-N and its partner PPP denied the reality. For too long the poets such as Faiz Ahmed Faiz cried in the wilderness for justice for the people of Pakistan. For too long… Far too long the people have been denied. It is now their turn to hold the people in charge accountable. For too long have we had these people who belong to Moen-jo daro Our own very Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah who is sell by date has come and gone. This soulless Chief Minister has blamed the Tharis for their own problems. Our Prime Minister and his priorities are to deny Imran Khan and his message to the people. These saviors of democracy are champions of the status-quo. Three times they have ruled the people. Three times they have denied the basic human rights. The time for Roti, Kapra, Makaan has passed. It was yesterday. People no longer want Roti, Kapra aur Makaan. They want justice. They want hope. They want the future. They do not want to live in the past. And where is the future? The future is with Imran and his challenge and the people will not be denied. And here is Allama Iqbal for you, “Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqdeer se pehle Khuda bande se khud pooche bata teri raza kia hai” It would be translated in English as: “Elevate yourself so high that even God, before issuing every decree of destiny, should ask you: Tell me, what is your intent?” Can there be a greater indictment of Nawaz Sharif and his greed and his lack of sensitivity for people welfare. Can there be greater indictment for this association undying commitment of two-parties. PPP and PML-N to deny people.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:10:18 +0000

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