“The True Islamic Congregation… The Repository of Our - TopicsExpress


“The True Islamic Congregation… The Repository of Our Spiritual Capital.” (Part 2) Since Islam is not a “holier-than-thou,” stuck-up, elitist religion, The True Islamic Congregation’s core should radiate open minded humility. It should recognize and respect every human being as a brother or sister... a brother or sister in humanity in humanity, if not in faith or religion. The true Islamic Congregation doer not lend itself to be used as a platform for elitists. The True Islamic Congregation expresses pity in its core ideology towards our less fortunate brothers and sisters in humanity, instead of looking down on the people who have been systemically deprived of divine guidance, or because the Mumin have not risen high enough to present it to them yet. The True Islamic Congregation does not look down non-Muslims in general as the ignorant demonized, despised other. Our Prophet (S) was the Rahmatul ameen - The Mercy To The Whole Universe. The True Islamic Congregation is not a holier-than-thou, stuck-up elitist organization. The true Islamic Congregation should radiate mercy, and pity, but it is confident and strong enough to stand against the die hard Truth Hiders who would squash it, or the wolves in sheep’s clothing who would use it to empower the arrogant fanatic, the misguided zealot and the self serving bigot. “The True Islamic Congregation” is not some label that can be conveniently and arbitrarily attached to any Muslim organization seeking some kind of spiritual or social legitimacy. The True Islamic Congregation does not practice a one-day-a-week, empty calorie, sterile, impotent, egomaniacal, ethnocentric, racist religion. Nor is The True Islamic Congregation an opiate for the oppressed masses. The True Islamic Congregation is not a social-cultural springboard where yuppified buppies and yuppies can park their new BMWs in front of The Masjid as a sign of God’s special favor on the pious, privileged Muslims. The core of The Islamic Congregation is neither a harbor for celibatarian monastic priests, nor is it a supporter of a weak, wanton, womanizing clergy cult. The True Islamic Congregation is not a refuge for semi-schizophrenic pseudo- mystics, nor is it a forum for pedagogic shysters. And certainly The true Islamic Congregation is not a temple for self-proclaimed Prophets, demigods, or the pitifully gullible sheep who follow them. The mission of The true Islamic Congregation is to convert, dominate, and (or) annihilate the spirit of irreverent, close minded Truth Hatred... thus pleasing The Lord Of All The Nations, The Source Of Mercy To All Of Creation. The Source Of The Mercy To The Faithful Congregation... King Of The Day To Settle The Obligation.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 06:05:02 +0000

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