The Truth of Genesis: The Beast, The False Jesus, & The Rapture, - TopicsExpress


The Truth of Genesis: The Beast, The False Jesus, & The Rapture, Part 4 - Double-Cross In 1598 BC, on Mt. Sinai, (Exodus 24), Moses spent six evening and mornings in a cloud, being shown six days (and informed of a seventh day) from seven different weeks, taken from seven different time periods. On the seventh day in Genesis chapter one, Yehovah rested after restoring life on Earth, in about 24 Million BC. This was Restoration Week Three, the fourth advent of mankind, and the second to be made in God’s image. Yehovah always tells the truth to those that hear His voice. But Lucifer tells lies to those that listen to him, and will double cross those that believe and follow him. There are hidden documents that link the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have so much secret information on each other, that it would be a major worldwide scandal, leading to disaster for both religions, if they were exposed. As revealed in Part 2, a secret deal was made to kill or run off true Christians and Jews in Asia Minor and Africa, but not to damage the Catholic shrines, nor hurt Catholics and Augustine monks, also to turn over Jerusalem to the Pope. The Vatican mostly financed the building of the Islamic massive armies, in exchange for handing over Jerusalem. But the Muslims double-crossed the Pope, and kept Jerusalem, and built a Mosque, making it their “second most holy” site. However, we’re not finished with the Jesuits. Part of their catechism is that when the Pope says something that is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, “the Scriptures must be thrown aside”. It is stated that the Pope is “the Vicar (replacement) of Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is but one Judgment-Seat belonging to God and the Pope”. These are quotes from the book Understanding the New Age: World Government and World Religion (New Wine Press, 1998, p. 104). The present Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), who is the first Jesuit to be elected to the (white) Papacy, said on May 16th that “Christians do not exist outside the Roman Catholic Church. People can not be Christians without the (Catholic) Church. A Christian’s identity is rooted in it, and that believers can not stand alone”. Now that a Jesuit is the white Pope, you can expect a more “hard lined” approach from Catholicism. Yet there is another “front” group that the Jesuits control. It is the Freemasons. Freemasonry started from medieval stonemasons, after castle building became an industry. By the 1100’s AD, a religious zeal resulted in the construction of thousands of imposing stone cathedrals across Western Europe. The skills of a stonemason were in high demand, as were members of the guild. This gave rise to classes of stonemasons, which were apprentices, journeymen, and master masons. Apprentices were bound to their masters for the cost of their training. The journeymen had a higher level of skill and could travel (journey) to assist their masters. A master mason was considered a “freeman”, who could travel as he wished to work on projects. During the Renaissance, the stonemasons guild admitted members who were not stonemasons, and eventually evolved into the Society of Freemasonry. These became fraternal groups which observe the traditional culture of stonemasons, but are not typically involved in construction projects. Remember the Knights of Templars, from Part 2? Their leader was Jacques De Molay, and before he was executed, he passed on certain “rituals and guidelines” to what became the Freemasons. Even today, Freemasonry has a youth group called “the order of De Molay”. The Jesuits infiltrated the Freemasons, and perfected it to be their tool to “deceived and to conquer”. It was further advanced by Albert Pike, who is said to had begun the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. In the book “Morals and Dogma”, he wrote “Masonry, like all the religions…, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts (insiders)…, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those (on the outside) who deserve to be misled: to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it… So masonry jealously conceals its secrets, a nd intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray”. pp. 104-105. He also writes: “the Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism (Lucifer worship); the other public, which was Roman Catholic”, p. 817. From the first, to the thirty-second degree, masons are taught that Freemasonry follows the Bible in Christian lodges, the Pentateuch in Jewish lodges, and the Koran in Muslim lodges. That is the sham fed to new members (outsiders). Only when you become a 33rd degree are you told who the god of Freemasonry is. It is Lucifer. In the book The Secret Doctrine, it says “Lucifer represents Life... Thought… Progress… Civilization… Liberty… Independence. Lucifer is the Logos (the Word)… the Serpent, the Savior”. “It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God”. This was written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, which many world leaders adhere to, which are 33rd degree Freemasons. The Jesuits have seen to it that Protestant churches and seminaries have been infiltrated with these teachings. You might be surprised to learn who are, and have been, 33rd degree Freemasons, and I question their allegiance. Some of them are/have been FDR, Karl Marx, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Vladimir Lenin, Yasser Arafat, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Billy Graham, Tony Blair (England), Bill Clinton, Barry Goldwater, and Colin Powell. What surprised me was that Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel) is a 33rd degree Freemason. No matter what “front” these people may have shown the public, they did, and do not, worship the true God (Yehovah). We finally come to the origins of the Illuminati. Basically, the Jesuits were banned in 83 countries, so they had to come up with a plan to remain in power. The Bavarian Illuminati was born in 1776, and soon made its way to the USA. There are many who are Jewish by name, but are Jesuit by philosophy (like The Rothschilds and Rockefellers), and have obtained about all of the important financial positions. They are in league with the Knights of Malta. Some of the Illuminati’s front groups are, the Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Bilderberg Group. Some current members of the above groups which we are familiar with, have been Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton (6th degree Grand Dame of Illuminati), Allen Greenspan, Jimmy Carter, even Henry Kissinger. It is certain that President Obama was brought into the group, and was part of the secret Bilderberg meeting, when he won the Democratic nomination. Therefore, for decades, we have had a string eeundesirable President, since JFK. The Republicans and Democrats have been taking turns, destroying our nation, both in the White house, and in the House of Representatives and the Senate, selling out the American people. But yet another double cross is on the horizon. We’ve now laid the groundwork, giving the history behind “the whore”. Now, the stage is set for the entry of “the Beast”, in Part 5. Have a blessed day and week May Yeshua bless you, Love, Debbie
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:06:09 +0000

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