The United Nations Security Council: • News in Eastern Europe - TopicsExpress


The United Nations Security Council: • News in Eastern Europe reminds us of what is generally called the international community (in fact the Major Powers and their traditional Allies as well as the instruments of legitimization of their actions as the United Nations), the principle of two weights, two measures to seemingly identical cases. As well as facing reports of the entry of the Russian troops in Ukraine, the same international community is unanimous in condemning the Russia and brandishes the threat of sanctions to be added to those already enacted because its support supposed rebels speaking of Ukraine. • Yet cases of obvious and blatant abuse already took place on part’ the world without that this same international community throws the little finger. To better perceive this logic of the international community, take the example of Rwanda by putting in parallel with similar situations and noting what was each time the reaction of the international community. Iraq, Rwanda and Uganda: • August 02, 1990, the Iraq troops invaded the Kuwait. As soon as the international community mobilized: UN authorized intervention to restore the territorial integrity of the Kuwait hunting the troops of Saddam Hussein, which will result in what will go down in history as the first war of Golf. • October 01, 1990, Ugandan troops commanded by the Deputy Minister of defense of Uganda General Fred Rwigyema invaded Rwanda without ultimatum. All the international press following their advance and the invaders do not hide. Surprisingly, no conviction will come from the international community. On the contrary, it will attempt to relativize this aggression by noting that the bulk of the soldiers involved were Rwandan origins, so that should be considered a civil war! • In 1996, Rwandan troops invaded the DRC, destroying everything in their path, seize the main cities including the capital Kinshasa. The Rwandan officer who commanded the expeditionary corps, James Kabarebe, proclaimed himself Chief of staff of the Congolese army. No conviction comes from the international community. On the contrary, throughout this conquest, it ceased to provide logistical and intelligence support to the Rwandan invaders. You said: two weights, two measures? Lebanon and Rwanda: • April 06, 1994, a plane with onboard Rwandan and Burundian leaders was shot down by a surface-to-air missile during its approach to land at Kigali airport. The two heads of State, their suites as well as members of the crew of French nationality shall perish in the attack. The international community, in this case the United Nations, will block any attempt to know the perpetrators of this attack. It will prevent even the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) yet created by it officially to prosecute the perpetrators of crimes committed between 01 January and 31 December 1994, to investigate the attack. The Prosecutor and the ICTR investigators who will try to investigate will be blamed and relieved of their duties by the United Nations. • February 14, 2005, the Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafiq Hariri died in a suicide bombing that blew up his car. As soon as the international community is in turmoil. The condemnation is unanimous. An international investigation is required. The United Nations set up a Special Tribunal for Lebanon which is to judge the perpetrators of this attack. The Court still sits at the Hague in the Netherlands. You said: two weights, two measures? Mali and Rwanda: • July 04, 1994, General Paul Kagame captured the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, and dissolved all institutions. This seizure of power by force was not condemned by the international community but rather the putschist general was congratulated and encouraged to sit his dictatorship. He reigned for 20 years on a martyred people whose cries of pain come point to the ear of the international community. • On March 22, 2012, Captain Sanogo captured the capital of Mali, Bamako, depositing the legitimate Government and dissolves all the other institutions. As soon as the international community turns into turmoil. The condemnation is unanimous. It requires the return without delay to the constitutional order. Put under pressure, Captain Sanogo is obliged to cede power a few months later. You said: two weights, two measures? Rwanda and Zimbabwe: • For several years, the Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, has been banished from the international community. Himself and his loved ones are affected by the travel ban and other sanctions. The same international community had justified these measures by lack of democracy in the Zimbabwe. But when President Mugabe gave the Government an opponent well-known and darling of the international community, nothing was. It then accused him of not respecting human rights but without ever presenting concrete cases of such violations. It is then accused of holding rigged elections. But when the international community itself oversaw the elections which saw his party win the top hand, nothing was: the sanctions were maintained on the pretext that he was wrong to not lose. • In Rwanda, General Paul Kagame does not tolerate any challenge. He does not hesitate to kill those who dare to criticize him or who fled it from murder in their exile, and it boasts. Enforced disappearances are reported daily and corpses of bound persons are regularly recovered in lakes and rivers of the country. His regime has the sad record to hold the largest number of political prisoners in the region. His RPF is a unique party in fact because the other parties allowed for external consumption are only its satellites and often created by him. Exiled opponents who try to return to face him politically from the inside were immediately arrested and sentenced to heavy terms in mock trial (cases of Victoire Ingabire and Déo Mushayidi). Curiously, no condemnation of the international community. Only a few reports of organizations such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International human rights emerge from time to time in drawing attention to this case of pathological dictatorship, but they are quickly suppressed by the campaigns conducted by the tenors of this international community who also were at the base of the creation of the political monster that is Paul Kagame. You said: two weights, two measures? Done at Benfica cidade de Maputo, 2014 October, 01. Rwandan Youth ‘Leaders born in exile after the seizure of power by the army of General Paul Kagame, current President of Rwanda
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:10:00 +0000

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