The Uplifting Word/ Jesus teaching the rich man & his disciples. - TopicsExpress


The Uplifting Word/ Jesus teaching the rich man & his disciples. Luke 18: 29-34. “Yes, I assure you that everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers & sisters or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come”. Taking his disciples aside, Jesus said,”Listen, we’re going to Jerusalem, where all the predictions of the prophets concerning the Son of Man will come true. He will be handed over to the Romans, & will be mocked, treated shamefully, and spit upon. They will flog him & kill him, but on the third day he will rise again. But they didn’t understand any of this. The significance of his word was hidden from them, & they failed to grasp what he was talking about. Insight: Imagine Jesus’s frustration when he repeatedly told his disciples the future & they could not understand him. His closest friends were pre occupied with life & failed to be on the same page as Jesus. Sounds like us sometimes doesn’t it? We need God’s wisdom.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:57:54 +0000

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