The Urantia Book Paper 78 The Violet Race After the Days of - TopicsExpress


The Urantia Book Paper 78 The Violet Race After the Days of Adam PSALM 110:1-7 | R U Ascending to Heaven or Descending to Hell ??? news.discovery/space/the-sun-unleashes-two-high-powered-solar-flares-140610.htm LAMBDA MU NI XI: Submerged is the Land of Mu, The peaks only appear ... https://youtube/watch?v=rRpxs39zn20 | SIMULA SA UNANG [1ST] HUDAS {TRAITOR] HANGGANG SA PINAKAHULI [LAST], MAGABAYAD KAMI https://youtube/watch?v=SNqX5ncHhEw (868.1) 78:0.1 THE second Eden was the cradle of civilization for almost thirty thousand years. Here in Mesopotamia the Adamic peoples held forth, sending out their progeny to the ends of the earth, and latterly, as amalgamated with the Nodite and Sangik tribes, were known as the Andites. From this region went those men and women who initiated the doings of historic times, and who have so enormously accelerated cultural progress on Urantia. (868.2) 78:0.2 This paper depicts the planetary history of the violet race, beginning soon after the default of Adam, about 35,000 B.C., and extending down through its amalgamation with the Nodite and Sangik races, about 15,000 B.C., to form the Andite peoples and on to its final disappearance from the Mesopotamian homelands, about 2000 B.C. | https://youtube/watch?v=m6ct_EOg-zI 1. Racial and Cultural Distribution (868.3) 78:1.1 Although the minds and morals of the races were at a low level at the time of Adam’s arrival, physical evolution had gone on quite unaffected by the exigencies of the Caligastia rebellion. Adam’s contribution to the biologic status of the races, notwithstanding the partial failure of the undertaking, enormously upstepped the people of Urantia. (868.4) 78:1.2 Adam and Eve also contributed much that was of value to the social, moral, and intellectual progress of mankind; civilization was immensely quickened by the presence of their offspring. But thirty-five thousand years ago the world at large possessed little culture. Certain centers of civilization existed here and there, but most of Urantia languished in savagery. Racial and cultural distribution was as follows: (868.5) 78:1.3 1. The violet race — Adamites and Adamsonites. The chief center of Adamite culture was in the second garden, located in the triangle of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; this was indeed the cradle of Occidental and Indian civilizations. The secondary or northern center of the violet race was the Adamsonite headquarters, situated east of the southern shore of the Caspian Sea near the Kopet mountains. From these two centers there went forth to the surrounding lands the culture and life plasm which so immediately quickened all the races. (868.6) 78:1.4 2. Pre-Sumerians and other Nodites. There were also present in Mesopotamia, near the mouth of the rivers, remnants of the ancient culture of the days of Dalamatia. With the passing millenniums, this group became thoroughly admixed with the Adamites to the north, but they never entirely lost their Nodite traditions. Various other Nodite groups that had settled in the Levant were, in general, absorbed by the later expanding violet race. (869.1) 78:1.5 3. The Andonites maintained five or six fairly representative settlements to the north and east of the Adamson headquarters. They were also scattered throughout Turkestan, while isolated islands of them persisted throughout Eurasia, especially in mountainous regions. These aborigines still held the northlands of the Eurasian continent, together with Iceland and Greenland, but they had long since been driven from the plains of Europe by the blue man and from the river valleys of farther Asia by the expanding yellow race. (869.2) 78:1.6 4. The red man occupied the Americas, having been driven out of Asia over fifty thousand years before the arrival of Adam. (869.3) 78:1.7 5. The yellow race. The Chinese peoples were well established in control of eastern Asia. Their most advanced settlements were situated to the northwest of modern China in regions bordering on Tibet. https://youtube/watch?v=eR6n9VdZBko (869.4) 78:1.8 6. The blue race. The blue men were scattered all over Europe, but their better centers of culture were situated in the then fertile valleys of the Mediterranean basin and in northwestern Europe. Neanderthal absorption had greatly retarded the culture of the blue man, but he was otherwise the most aggressive, adventurous, and exploratory of all the evolutionary peoples of Eurasia. (869.5) 78:1.9 7. Pre-Dravidian India. The complex mixture of races in India — embracing every race on earth, but especially the green, orange, and black — maintained a culture slightly above that of the outlying regions. (869.6) 78:1.10 8. The Sahara civilization. The superior elements of the indigo race had their most progressive settlements in what is now the great Sahara desert. This indigo-black group carried extensive strains of the submerged orange and green races. (869.7) 78:1.11 9. The Mediterranean basin. The most highly blended race outside of India occupied what is now the Mediterranean basin. Here blue men from the north and Saharans from the south met and mingled with Nodites and Adamites from the east. (869.8) 78:1.12 This was the picture of the world prior to the beginnings of the great expansions of the violet race, about twenty-five thousand years ago. The hope of future civilization lay in the second garden between the rivers of Mesopotamia. Here in southwestern Asia there existed the potential of a great civilization, the possibility of the spread to the world of the ideas and ideals which had been salvaged from the days of Dalamatia and the times of Eden. (872.8) 78:5.4 By 12,000 B.C. three quarters of the Andite stock of the world was resident in northern and eastern Europe, and when the later and final exodus from Mesopotamia took place, sixty-five per cent of these last waves of emigration entered Europe. (873.1) 78:5.5 The Andites not only migrated to Europe but to northern China and India, while many groups penetrated to the ends of the earth as missionaries, teachers, and traders. They contributed considerably to the northern groups of the Saharan Sangik peoples. But only a few teachers and traders ever penetrated farther south in Africa than the headwaters of the Nile. Later on, mixed Andites and Egyptians followed down both the east and west coasts of Africa well below the equator, but they did not reach Madagascar. (873.2) 78:5.6 These Andites were the so-called Dravidian and later Aryan conquerors of India; and their presence in central Asia greatly upstepped the ancestors of the Turanians. Many of this race journeyed to China by way of both Sinkiang and Tibet and added desirable qualities to the later Chinese stocks. From time to time small groups made their way into Japan, Formosa, the East Indies, and southern China, though very few entered southern China by the coastal route. (873.3) 78:5.7 One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from Japan, eventually reached South America and by intermarriage with the natives of the Andes established the ancestry of the later rulers of the Incas. They crossed the Pacific by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands they found along the way. The islands of the Polynesian group were both more numerous and larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed them, biologically modified the native groups in transit. Many flourishing centers of civilization grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of Andite penetration. Easter Island was long a religious and administrative center of one of these lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the Americas. (873.4) 78:5.8 The migratory conquests of the Andites continued on down to their final dispersions, from 8000 to 6000 B.C. As they poured out of Mesopotamia, they continuously depleted the biologic reserves of their homelands while markedly strengthening the surrounding peoples. And to every nation to which they journeyed, they contributed humor, art, adventure, music, and manufacture. They were skillful domesticators of animals and expert agriculturists. For the time being, at least, their presence usually improved the religious beliefs and moral practices of the older races. And so the culture of Mesopotamia quietly spread out over Europe, India, China, northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands. https://youtube/watch?v=YjGUC9GNqfE (869.9) 78:1.13 Adam and Eve had left behind a limited but potent progeny, and the celestial observers on Urantia waited anxiously to find out how these descendants of the erring Material Son and Daughter would acquit themselves. https://youtube/watch?v=QOdW1OuZ1U0 Micah 5:12 EL-SHANGDI [EL-SHADDAI, EL-EMET] [El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (エルシャダイ アセンション オブ ザ メタトロン Erushadai Asenshon obu za Metatoron)] | MATRIX] https://youtube/watch?v=cT6aIKlAx7c Isaiah 64:2 As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your Name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! 3 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. https://youtube/watch?v=SmBTkKPIxWg MICAH 5 A Promised Ruler From Bethlehem 1 Marshal your troops now, city of troops, for a siege is laid against us. They will strike Israel’s ruler on the cheek with a rod. 2“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” 3 Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor bears a son, biblehub/niv/micah/5.htm (2082.5) 195:8.13 The complete secularization of science, education, industry, and society can lead only to disaster. During the first third of the twentieth century Urantians killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of the Christian dispensation up to that time. And this is only the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and secularism; still more terrible destruction is yet to come. https://youtube/watch?v=XgFj-ZHAGzY EL-EMET: ALLAH, HIS R THE GREATEST NAMES THE HEAVENLY SCRIPT: THE INFINITE SCRIPT Revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega--the beginning and the end, says the Lord God. I am the One who is, who was {a Jew}, and who is still to come--the Almighty One. | John 10:30 The Father and I are One. 1 John 5:7 King James Bible For there are Three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these Three are One. Jubilee Bible 2000 For there are Three that bear witness in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these Three are One. 1 John 5:8 King James Bible And there are Three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these Three agree in One. Jubilee Bible 2000 And there are Three that bear witness on earth, the Spirit and the Water and the Blood; and these Three agree in One. Revelation 1:18 New International Version I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of Death and Hades. King James Bible I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of Hell and of Death. https://youtube/watch?v=8W8OX_KS17g Aramaic Bible in Plain English I am He who lived and died, and behold, I am alive to the eternity of eternities, amen, and I have the key of Death and of Sheol. https://youtube/watch?v=rXznfA-ue6Q Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. ISAIAH 64:1-3 | RESURRECTION of RIGHTEOUS + WICKED | 5.334444 AKO BAGA ANG KONTRA-BIDA? [BIDA = VEDA [DEVA = DEVAS = DEVS = DEUS] Revelation 1:8 I AM The ALLAH and The YAH-- AKO SIYAH [I AM HE] https://youtube/watch?v=4GxPDNSfpa8 I AM The FIRST [Beginning] & I AM The LAST [End] | I AM The AMEN [RMYN] & I AM The ATEN [jtn] | I AM The 上帝 & I AM The 皇帝 | I AM The ShangDi & I AM The HuangDi | I AM The Heavens [Alap] & I AM The Person [Tau] | I AM The URANUS & I AM The CRONUS | I AM The ANU & I AM The EA ENKI | I AM The ALLAH [A, Alpha, Alap, Aleph, Alif] & I AM The YHWH [Z, Omega, Tau, Tav, Ya, Jah, Yah, Я] | Heaven (天, Tiān) [Kawi Tiyan, Tian meaning WOMB = MATRIS, MATRISK, MATRIX] https://youtube/watch?v=sxllptqVSYk Isaiah 5:14 Therefore Sheol [HELL] has enlarged its throat and opened its mouth without measure; https://youtube/watch?v=Dl0On8UJPJA
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 18:58:53 +0000

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