The Urantia Book Paper 8 The Infinite Spirit The Salem Teachings - TopicsExpress


The Urantia Book Paper 8 The Infinite Spirit The Salem Teachings in Arabia + Jesusonian Gospel CHAPTER CV. God and the Messiah to dwell with Man. (90.1) 8:0.1 BACK in eternity, when the Universal Father’s “first” infinite and absolute thought finds in the Eternal Son such a perfect and adequate word for its divine expression, there ensues the supreme desire of both the Thought-God and the Word-God for a universal and infinite agent of mutual expression and combined action. (90.3) 8:0.3 We are now face to face with the eternity origin of the Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity. The very instant that God the Father and God the Son conjointly conceive an identical and infinite action — the execution of an absolute thought-plan — that very moment, the Infinite Spirit springs full-fledgedly into existence. https://youtube/watch?v=QkWS9PiXekE CHAPTER CV. God and the Messiah to dwell with Man. 1. In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. 2. For I and My son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen. https://youtube/watch?v=kv3LqkJZ59s GIZA = G + IZA = GOD + IZA = ONE GOD (1051.4) 95:7.6 The strength of Islam has been its clear-cut and well-defined presentation of Allah as the One and Only Deity; its weakness, the association of military force with its promulgation, together with its degradation of woman. But it has steadfastly held to its presentation of the One Universal Deity of all, “who knows the invisible and the visible. He is the merciful and the compassionate.” “Truly God is plenteous in goodness to all men.” “And when I am sick, it is he who heals me.” “For whenever as many as three speak together, God is present as a fourth,” for is he not “the first and the last, also the seen and the hidden”? [ALLAH IS ONE = YHWH IS ONE = JESUS IS ONE = ONE IS ISA = ONE IS IZA][HUANGDI = Shangdi (上帝, Lord on High) = Hebrew EL-ELYON meaning GOD MOST HIGH, GOD of Gods = GOD THE HIGHEST = ISA THE FATHER = JESUS THE FATHER = YYAH-ALLAH, THE FATHER THE LIVING GOD = YHWH = LORD IZANAGI = AMATARASU] MATRIX, Kawi MATRIS/MATRISK meaning WOMB Chinese TIAN = Kawi TIYAN = Kawi MATRIS/MATRISK = Engl WOMB Tian is one of the oldest Chinese terms for the cosmos and a key concept in Chinese mythology, philosophy, and religion. During the Shang Dynasty (17–11th centuries BCE), the Chinese called their supreme god Shangdi (上帝, Lord on High) or Di (Lord); during the Zhou Dynasty, Tian became synonymous with this figure. Heaven worship was, before the 20th century, an orthodox state religion of China. Emperor Jimmu (神武天皇 Jinmu-tennō?) was the first Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession.[1] He is also known as Kanyamato Iware-biko no Sumeramikoto (神日本磐余彦天皇?) and personally as Wakamikenu no Mikoto (若御毛沼命?) or Sano no Mikoto (狹野尊?). In Japanese mythology, the Age of the Gods is the period before Jimmus accession.[11] According to Shinto belief, Jimmu is regarded as a direct descendant of the sun goddess, Amaterasu [Maryam = Isis]. Izanagi (イザナギ?, recorded in the Kojiki as 伊邪那岐 and in the Nihon Shoki as 伊弉諾) is a deity born of the seven divine generations in Japanese mythology and Shinto, and is also referred to in the roughly translated Kojiki as male-who-invites or Izanagi-no-mikoto (Lord Izanagi). It is also pronounced Izanagi-no-Okami (The God Izanagi). TO MAKE A SOUND: Ar-Raḥmān = ArR [R] + aḥm [M] + ān [N] Ar-Raḥmān The Exceedingly Compassionate, The Exceedingly Beneficent, The Exceedingly Gracious (to all of humanity and all creatures) TO MAKE A SOUND: γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = YAHUWAH = YHWH GREEK γλῶσσα (glossa), meaning tongue or language and λαλέω (laleō), to speak, talk, chat, prattle, or to make a sound. The Greek expression (in various forms) appears in the New Testament in the books of Acts and First Corinthians. [MATTHEW 10:28 MATTHEW 10:28 MATTHEW 10:28 ] (1050.6) 95:7.1 The Melchizedek teachings of the one God became established in the Arabian desert at a comparatively recent date. As in Greece, so in Arabia the Salem missionaries failed because of their misunderstanding of Machiventa’s instructions regarding overorganization. But they were not thus hindered by their interpretation of his admonition against all efforts to extend the gospel through military force or civil compulsion. (1050.7) 95:7.2 Not even in China or Rome did the Melchizedek teachings fail more completely than in this desert region so very near Salem itself. Long after the majority of the peoples of the Orient and Occident had become respectively Buddhist and Christian, the desert of Arabia continued as it had for thousands of years. Each tribe worshiped its olden fetish, and many individual families had their own household gods. Long the struggle continued between Babylonian Ishtar, Hebrew Yahweh, Iranian Ahura, and Christian Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Never was one concept able fully to displace the others. (1051.1) 95:7.3 Here and there throughout Arabia were families and clans that held on to the hazy idea of the one God. Such groups treasured the traditions of Melchizedek, Abraham, Moses, and Zoroaster. There were numerous centers that might have responded to the Jesusonian gospel, but the Christian missionaries of the desert lands were an austere and unyielding group in contrast with the compromisers and innovators who functioned as missionaries in the Mediterranean countries. Had the followers of Jesus taken more seriously his injunction to “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” and had they been more gracious in that preaching, less stringent in collateral social requirements of their own devising, then many lands would gladly have received the simple gospel of the carpenter’s son, Arabia among them. (1051.2) 95:7.4 Despite the fact that the great Levantine monotheisms failed to take root in Arabia, this desert land was capable of producing a faith which, though less demanding in its social requirements, was nonetheless monotheistic. (1051.3) 95:7.5 There was only one factor of a tribal, racial, or national nature about the primitive and unorganized beliefs of the desert, and that was the peculiar and general respect which almost all Arabian tribes were willing to pay to a certain black stone fetish in a certain temple at Mecca. This point of common contact and reverence subsequently led to the establishment of the Islamic religion. What Yahweh, the volcano spirit, was to the Jewish Semites, the Kaaba stone became to their Arabic cousins. BNEI NEY + BNEI MEDINA = Sons of NEY + Sons of MEDINA | (29.7) 1:6.1 Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. Numbers 6:25 New International Version | the LORD make His Face shine on you and be gracious to you; https://youtube/watch?v=X_1zguZTyns MATRIX, Kawi MATRIS/MATRISK meaning WOMB Numbers 18:15 Websters Bible Translation Every thing that openeth the MATRIX in all flesh, which they bring to the LORD, whether of men or beast, shall be thine: nevertheless, the first born of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem. APOCALYPSE: REVELATION/UNVEILING OF HIDDEN THINGS GLOSSA-RY OF GOD: THE DIVINE MATRIX [THE WORD OF GOD] γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = λαλέω = yαωέy = γAhweλ = YHWH laleō = la + leō = THE + LION = EL + LEON [THE LION OF JUDAH] = EL-ELYON Hebrew meaning MOST HIGH GOD TO MAKE A SOUND: Ar-Raḥmān = ArR [R] + aḥm [M] + ān [N] TO MAKE A SOUND: γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = YAHUWAH = YHWH GREEK γλῶσσα (glossa), meaning tongue or language and λαλέω (laleō), to speak, talk, chat, prattle, or to make a sound. The Greek expression (in various forms) appears in the New Testament in the books of Acts and First Corinthians. (1155.3) 105:2.10 6. The Infinite Capacity. This is the endless MATRIX, the possibility for all future cosmic expansion. This phase of the I AM is the best conceived as the Supergravity Presence of the Unqualified Absolute. KABALLAH = SACRED GEOMETRY = DIVINE MATRIX = GODS GLOSSA-RY LETTERS, NUMBERS & WORDS WHICH ARE IN HIM, ONE AND THE SAME. Shin (Chinese: 新, which means new) = NEW BODY, NEW FLESH A sign (Δ) came from God (Shin) | Lambda (uppercase Λ, lowercase λ) [Shin = ShiΛ = Shiv = YSHVA = JESUS = ISA] Aminah bint Wahb (Arabic: آمنة بنت وهب ʼĀminah bint Wahb; Born in Madinah; died 577 AD) was the mother of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Surat Aş-Şaf (The Ranks) - 61:6 And [mention] when Jesus [ISA], the son of Mary, said, O children of Israel, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad [IMMANUEL, SON OF THE LION OF JUDAH = ISA THE HOLY SPIRIT]. But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, This is obvious magic. Early life and marriage Aminah was born to Wahb ibn Abd Manaf and Barrah bint ‘Abd al ‘Uzzā ibn ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Abd al-Dār in Mecca.[1] She was a member of the Banu Zuhrah clan in the tribe of Quraysh who claimed descent from Ibrahim (Abraham) through his son Ismail (Ishmael). Her ancestor Zuhrah was the elder brother of Qusayy ibn Kilab, who was also an ancestor of Abd Allah ibn Abd al Muttalib. Qusayy ibn Kilab became the first Quraysh custodian of the Kaaba. Abdul Mutallib, father of Abd Allah, fixed the marriage of his youngest son Abd Allah with Aminah. She was eventually married to Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib.[2] It was said that a light shone out of his forehead and that this light was the promise of a Prophet as offspring. Countless woman of Arabia approached Abd Allah, who, according to several traditions, was a handsome man; so that they might gain the honour of producing the offspring. The light was believed to be transferred to Aminah through Abd Allah. Abd Allahs father was the custodian of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca. Soon after their marriage Abd Allah was called to al-Sham (present day Syria) on a trading caravan trip. When he left, Aminah was pregnant. However, Abd Allah became sick and died from an illness before returning to Mecca. This resulted in Aminah being depressed from which she never recovered. Birth of Muhammad Two months after Abd Allahs death, in 570 AD, Muhammad was born. As was tradition among all the great families at the time, Aminah sent Muhammad into the desert as a baby. The belief was that in the desert, one would learn self-discipline, nobility, and freedom. This also gave Muhammad the chance to learn Arabic and Arab traditions. During this time, Muhammad was nursed by Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb, a poor Bedouin woman from the tribe of Banu Saad, a branch of the Hawāzin, who would be with him during his time in the desert.[5] When Muhammad was five years old he was reunited with Aminah. After being reunited with her son Aminah took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to meet his extended family and introduce him to the city. They ended up spending one month in Yathrib. However, after having traveled only 23 miles from Yathrib towards Mecca accompanied by her slave Umm Aimān al Barakah, Aminah fell ill and eventually died 577 AD[6] and was buried in the village of Abwa. Revelation 1:7 Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all peoples on earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen. Isaiah 45:22 Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am GOD, and there is no other. Isaiah 7:14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means God is with us). (1409.1) 128:1.11 Jesus objected to but one title as applied to him: When he was once called Immanuel, he merely replied, “Not I, that is my elder brother.” [LEONIDAS 1 = SON OF THE LION OF JUDAH = MUAHMAD] (1409.2) 128:1.12 Always, even after his emergence into the larger life on earth, Jesus was submissively subject to the Will of the Father in Heaven. (2096.4) 196:3.28 Religion stands above science, art, philosophy, ethics, and morals, but not independent of them. They are all indissolubly interrelated in human experience, personal and social. Religion is man’s supreme experience in the mortal nature, but finite language makes it forever impossible for theology ever adequately to depict real religious experience. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny (2077.1) 195:6.5 Science is a quantitative experience, religion a qualitative experience, as regards man’s life on earth. Science deals with phenomena; religion, with origins, values, and goals. To assign causes as an explanation of physical phenomena is to confess ignorance of ultimates and in the end only leads the scientist straight back to the first great cause — the Universal Father of Paradise. https://youtube/watch?v=sPhnt--YVd0 1. The Guardian Angels (1241.3) 113:1.1 The teaching about guardian angels is not a myth; certain groups of human beings do actually have personal angels. It was in recognition of this that Jesus, in speaking of the children of the heavenly kingdom, said: “Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for I say to you, their angels do always behold the presence of the spirit of my Father.” https://youtube/watch?v=ERwyIjBd4YA (1241.2) 113:0.2 Seraphim are the traditional angels of heaven; they are the ministering spirits who live so near you and do so much for you. They have ministered on Urantia since the earliest times of human intelligence. https://youtube/watch?v=hHgmIXF6k00 The Tetragrammaton (Greek meaning word with four letters) = YHWH The Sectors of Time are like the Flashes of Personality in Temporal Form Rans [uRas] = TIME = CHRONOS, THE FATHER TIME = BRAHMA [THE IT IS] ALA-UNA [Allah-Una], Kawi meaning ONE o Clock = TIME = uRas [Hours] ISA Kawi meaning ONE, THE SAME, UNIQUE, ONLY, UNIFIED, INDIVISIBLE, IN HARMONY, WARNING; ISA Estonian Noun meaning FATHER = Hebrew ABBA, AVVA [AWA = AMA] = Kawi AMA, TATA, TATAY, TATANG = Latin PATER = Engl FATHER (1031.4) 94:4.3 1. The Brahman, the Absolute, the Infinite One, the IT IS. https://youtube/watch?v=Dl0On8UJPJA The Tetragrammaton YHWH = ESET = IS IT = BE IT = IT IS = AMEN AMIN = AMEN [ALLAH + MEDINA + ESET + NEY] YHWH = ESET = IS IT = BE IT = SO BE IT = AMEN to make a sound: Quraysh = CHRIST [Tribe of Quraysh] Yathrib (Madinah) = to make a sound Yathrib = YAH TRIBE The Tetragrammaton (Greek meaning word with four letters) is the usual reference to the Hebrew name for God, which is transliterated from the Hebrew as YHWH -- four consonants with no vowels; it is the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel. The popular vocalized form of YHWH is Yahweh. Of all the names of God, the one which occurs most frequently is the Tetragrammaton. The Biblia Hebraica texts each contain the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) 6,828 times. In Judaism, the Tetragrammaton is the ineffable name of God, and is not read aloud. In the reading aloud of the scripture or in prayer, it is replaced with Adonai (Lord). Other written forms such as ד׳ or ה׳ are read as Hashem (the Name), for the same reason. One theory regarding the disuse of the Tetragrammaton is that the Jewish taboo on its pronunciation was so strong that the original pronunciation may have been lost somewhere in the first millennium. Since then, many scholars (particularly Christians) have sought to reconstruct its original pronunciation. For example, circa 1518 Christian theologians introduced the pronunciation Yehovah based on the written form with the vowel pointing for Adonai. This is generally held to be implausible but gave rise to alternate vocalizations such as Jahovah and Jehovah. The theory regarding the disuse of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) is the result of an interpretation of the Third of the Ten Commandments. The Jewish people stopped saying the Name by the 3rd century out of fear of violating the commandment You shall not take the name of YHWH your God in vain (Exodus 20:7). It is possible that the practice was in effect prior to early Christian times as Jesus prayed to the Father I have made your name known (John 17:26). Meaning According to one Jewish tradition, the Tetragrammaton is related to the causative form, the imperfect state, of the Hebrew verb הוה (ha·wah, “to be, to become”), meaning “He will cause to become” (usually understood as “He causes to become”). Another tradition regards the name as coming from three different verb forms sharing the same root YWH, the words HYH haya (היה): “He was”; HWH howê (הוה): “He is”; and YHYH yihiyê (יהיה): “He will be”. This would therefore show that God is timeless and self-existent. Other interpretations include the name as meaning “I am the One Who Is.” This can be seen in the O. T. biblical account of the “burning bush” commanding Moses to tell the sons of Israel that “I AM (אהיה) has sent you,” (Exodus 3:13–14). Some suggest, “I AM the One I AM” [אהיה אשר אהיה]. This may also fit the interpretation as “He Causes to Become.” theopedia/Yahweh TO MAKE A SOUND: Ar-Raḥmān = ArR [R] + aḥm [M] + ān [N] TO MAKE A SOUND: γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = YAHUWAH = YHWH GREEK γλῶσσα (glossa), meaning tongue or language and λαλέω (laleō), to speak, talk, chat, prattle, or to make a sound. The Greek expression (in various forms) appears in the New Testament in the books of Acts and First Corinthians. [MATTHEW 10:28 MATTHEW 10:28 MATTHEW 10:28 ] RA = RA + MESES = RA + MESIYAS = RA + MESSIAH = YYAH-ALLAH AMEN = ALLAH + MEDINA + ESET + NEY = ISA THE FATHER = YHWH IS RA jtn = JTN = JIMMU TENNO NEY = [AMEN = AHMAD] OF RA = AMEN-ZEUS jtn = JTN = JESUS TAU NEY =[TAU = SON OF MAN] OF RA = KRISHNA-ZEUS HOURS [HORUS] = JESUS {JEZEUS} = KRISHNA-ZEUS {CHRIST JESUS} = ELOHIM RA XERXES [ELOHIM RA XERXZEUS] = ISA THE WORD Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an Aspect of RA. https://youtube/watch?v=LufMSybA_OE 1. God’s Everywhereness https://youtube/watch?v=eEba8tEVJ7k (44.4) 3:1.1 The ability of the Universal Father to be everywhere present, and at the same time, constitutes his omnipresence. God alone can be in two places, in numberless places, at the same time. God is simultaneously present “in heaven above and on the earth beneath”; https://youtube/watch?v=BpZy8v8w9xU (90.4) 8:0.4 In thus reciting the order of the origin of the Deities, I do so merely to enable you to think of their relationship. In reality they are all three existent from eternity; they are existential. They are without beginning or ending of days; they are co-ordinate, supreme, ultimate, absolute, and infinite. They are and always have been and ever shall be. And they are three distinctly individualized but eternally associated persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. https://youtube/watch?v=ApTdifFbD7Y https://youtube/watch?v=O35aWx5daSM (838.7) 74:8.15 [Narrated by Solonia, the seraphic “Voice in the Garden.”]
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 03:44:25 +0000

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