The Victims of Kivu’s War in Congo (LVGK) - TopicsExpress


The Victims of Kivu’s War in Congo (LVGK) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- URGENT APPEAS N°20141214 / LVGK ---------- DR Congo: Security Council of the UN he will abandon civilian hostage in Beni, North Kivu or wait achieving what number of civilian deaths? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONUSCO begin a withdrawal of its workforce in 2015 Combat troops should be parties no later than June 2016 Fifteen years of presence in DR Congo, MONUSCO nearly 20 000 men Congolese and UN authorities, unable to neutralize some Ugandan rebels of the ADF / NALU in DR Congo (North Kivu) The African Union remains without any visible impact in Action The risk of Somalisation of eastern Congo is established -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The right information and the right to information guaranteed by the Constitution and by international and regional conventions including the Congo is a party. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kinshasa, Beni, London, Geneva, Paris, Brussels, New York, 14th December 2014- The Association The Victims of the Kivu’s War (LVGK) is very concerned about the insecurity in the hostage-taking, repeated massacres of civilians in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in the city and the Beni territory in the province of North Kivu. UN announces the withdrawal of its mission, December 4, 2014 Source: The Potential UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) is about to start. After fifteen years of presence, this program, with some 20,000 people, is one of the largest in the world, will begin a withdrawal of its workforce in 2015, announced on December 4 special UN representative for DR Congo Martin Kobler. Combat troops should be parties no later than June 2016. Mission accomplished, then? The peace and the restoration of state authority in eastern DRC are far from being effective, says Le Potentiel, yet MONUSCO will soon begin the process of withdrawing its workforce. [...] That stinks. do you even lift This decision seems incomprehensible judge the Congolese newspaper, even suicidal for the suffering people not only in North Kivu, but also the provinces of South Kivu, Katanga and the Eastern Province. Especially that for several weeks, the UN is concerned [...] a sharp deterioration in security in the entire province of North Kivu. For over twenty years, this region is torn by conflicts fueled by ethnic divisions, land disputes and appetite aroused by abundant natural resources of the region Beni along the Somalisation Source: Le Phare With the presence on the ground for several months, the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo) and MONUSCO (Mission of the United Nations Organization Stabilization in Congo) and International Intervention Brigade the city of Beni and its periphery have been located away from dirty tricks of negative forces. Also, the massacres that we are almost in daily records here more than two months have raised fears the risk of Somalisation of the territory. Each passing day, Congolese and UN authorities vow to put out of harm Ugandan rebels of ADF / NALU and their civilian and military accomplices but paradoxically, innocent people are cut with machetes daily by a kind the invisible commando strikes when he wants and where he wants. For now, the operations Sukola I and II leading to the total eradication and on short notice of this negative force seem like sword thrusts in water. The city of Beni and its hinterland are only nightmarish sites for civilian populations, as no one is safer to wake up alive the next day. Why did we get here? What is the ADF-Nalu, about to be completely wiped out in October 2013 with the crushing defeat of the M23 before the coalition forces FARDC, MONUSCO, has suddenly regained capacity for harm, to machete more disturbing than a military wing? Informed observers believe that the system of national defense and territorial suffer from a serious lack of truly patriotic leaders in this part of the Republic. When we learn that the Ugandan rebels operate with FARDC uniforms, they benefit from the complicity of certain civil and Congolese soldiers, they would receive the same support residues of M23, we can only s worry about the serious malfunction of the legal structures of homeland defense and protection of our fellow citizens of North Kivu in general and the Beni territory in particular. The decor virtually Somali planted in this region of the country raises many questions about the command of the national army chain in North Kivu, in the work of agents of civilian and military intelligence, behavior of those responsible for the great and small territorial relations between civilians and FARDC. One wonders if such alerts data regularly by the Civil Society Organizations villages, areas of North Kivu territories and cities are properly exploited by the civil and military authorities both provincial and national. Because every time that an infiltration of the M23, the ADF-Nalu or Ugandan and Rwandan armies is recorded somewhere in the east of the country, indigenous do not hesitate to alert the national and international opinion .dropoff window The one is often surprised to hear the FARDC and MONUSCO argue that the situation is under control or that it is verifying allegations before we witness the fall of a locality into enemy hands or mass killings of innocent people. When one considers the number of UN soldiers (about 10,000) and Congo (several thousand) deployed in North Kivu, one wonders how the Ugandan rebels manage to massively spread death in indigenous families. In view of the human, military, logistical, financial mobilized to secure the town of Beni and its periphery, there is something lost in translation balances grisly face of the massacres of civilians who did not stop. It is time, it is believed that the Congolese state awakens to reorganize its alert system to insecurity through its civilian intelligence services and military as well as the response over the repeated attacks of visible enemies and invisible peace. Otherwise, Beni territory will turn into new Somalia, which could give wings to anyone looking to make the North Kivu again ungovernable, as was the case between 1998 and 2003. Kimp Massacre in Beni: more than 100 dead, 20 November 2014 Source: More than 100 civilians were killed by alleged Ugandan ADF rebels during a massacre perpetrated with knives in Beni, North Kivu. While officially, the authorities have given no official figures, the deputy governor of the province, Feller Lutahichirwa, regretted Sunday, November 23, 2014, massacre, which he has just adding to the stock of previous killings from 100 to more than 200 people were massacred. According to this statement, the attack would have been over a hundred deaths. When we still were feeling the deep pain of the killings of Eringeti, Mayi Moya, of Oïcha of Ngadi of Munzambayi and so on, here is a new carnage that comes burdening the balance of those killed in the Within a month and a half, from 100 to more than 200 people were massacred, said the deputy governor. Feller Lutahichirwa pointed out, at the same time, the attackers will be hunted down until the end. In a statement issued Saturday, civil society in North Kivu had advanced a balance between 50 and 80 dead. His spokesman, Omar Kavota, said the report outlined by the provincial authorities is not far from reality. ADF rebels have killed, Thursday, November 20, 2014, fifty people with knives in the villages of Tepoimba and Vemba, 10 km from Mavivi in group-Batangi Mbau, according to one report prepared by local sources. Feller Lutahichirwa asked the public to remain vigilant, reiterating calls for national and provincial authorities. ADF rebels multiply the killings of the civilian population since October (2014) last. They use machetes and hoes to operate. The official death toll brings to 200 the number killed since the beginning of October. Beni killings All sponsors will be unmasked Source: The Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in the DRC, General AbdalahWafy, reiterates the commitment of MONUSCO to track down the sponsors of civilians serial killings recorded for two months in Beni, North Kivu. He said on Wednesday November 19 during the weekly meeting of the UN in Kinshasa. According to him, whoever they are, the real sponsors of these massacres will eventually be known and prosecuted. All sponsors - both ADF, whether civilians, be they politicians - they will be unmasked, identified and prosecuted. I say on behalf of the United Nations! Insisted the general Wafy. The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN in the DRC has also reported the existence of mass graves in the Beni region: The crimes committed in Beni these massacres and atrocities, we have information - including mass graves where people were executed and buried by the elements of the ADF. In time, all these information we have will be checked. Our investigators will go in the field. It will take the time it takes, but these crimes will not go unpunished. According to civil society Beni, about 84 civilians were killed last September in this territory by suspected rebels of the ADF. But other victims were subsequently recorded in the same area. Reread also: DRC: return to calm after a tense day at Beni. Eight other people were killed on October 6 in the localities of May-Moya, and Kisiki Maibo on the road to Eringeti during an attack attributed to the same rebels. This attack had occurred in the wake of another incursion of ADF in the locality of Linzo Sisene, during which seven people were killed and thirteen others removed. On 8 October 2014, another attack had killed nine people in the city of Oïcha. A dozen people, including two FARDC soldiers had also been recorded in the city of Beni November 2, 2014. Attack of the ADF in Beni, 8 died of October 6, 2014 Source: Ugandan ADF rebels attacked last night (October 6, 2014) localities of May-Moya, and Kisiki Maibo on the road to Eringeti Beni (North Kivu). In a statement released Tuesday, October 7, provincial civil society ahead of the balance sheet of 8 civilians killed. The day before the attack, another incursion of ADF was reported in the territory of Beni. The rebels first attacked the positions of the army in the town of May-Moya where violent clashes have opposed the military from 23 hours to 1 am local time, report local sources. Three civilians were shot dead in the fighting. The assailants then attacked Kisiki where a civilian was killed. Four others were executed Maibo. Local sources indicate that the Ugandan rebels also looted several houses. After the attack, the inhabitants of the villages attacked expressed on National Highway No. 4 between Oicha and May-Moya. They denounce the resurgence of insecurity caused by the rebels in the area. Other residents have left their villages and took the direction of Oicha. The President of the Civil Society of North Kivu, Aquinas Mwiti condemns this renewed insecurity in the area where the ADF were recently evicted. It is to challenge the military and political authorities of the country so that they do not believe that, after having routed the ADF that war is completely won. They must understand that the ADF even if they remained two, they will continue to spread terror. They are terrorists, he said. The attack came a day after another incursion of ADF in the locality of Linzo Sisene. Seven people were killed, thirteen removed. Both have finally managed to escape. Beni: 4 dead and seven people kidnapped in an attack ADF October 5, 2014 Source: Four people were killed, eight injured and seven others kidnapped last night (October 5, 2014) after an attack by Ugandan ADF rebels in the town of Linzo Sisene in the territory of Beni (North Kivu ) .dropoff window Among the abductees, including include the village chief. The local authorities that deliver this information indicates that Congolese soldiers in pursuit of the attackers. Local sources reported that most of the attackers were armed with guns and knives.They would have bypassed position of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) before arriving at the village, where they fired several shots in the direction of some houses. Some people who tried to escape were arrested by the rebels before being killed or injured by machete, say the same sources. The village chief, accused the rebels of being a traitor, and six other people were kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination. To believe some local sources, ADF rebels killed 15 people in a week in this country. Civil Society of North Kivu deplores the increase in cases of killings and kidnappings recorded in recent days in the villages where the Ugandan rebels have recently been dislodged by the FARDC. This structure calls for the strengthening of military units in the region. It indicates that many residents have found refuge in Eringeti and Oïcha, where the situation is calmer. Sources of civil society felt that this undermines the efforts in tracking down against the ADF. They invite the Congolese government and MONUSCO to act quickly. Beni: rebel incursion ADF Mukoko, 3 dead, 3 October 2014 Source: Gunmen identified as Ugandan rebels ADF attacked Friday, October 3 at night the town of Mukoko in Beni territory (North Kivu). Local sources indicate that the attackers killed three people and kidnapped three others that they have had to carry the goods delighted local residents. Sources of civil society indicate that one of the kidnapped people refused to wear the goods carried by the assailants. She was killed with a knife. Panicked residents fled their Mukoko locality. Some headed for the bush. Others headed to Oïcha, capital of Beni. Informed the military went in pursuit of the attackers. Local authorities claim that another hostage was released thanks to the intervention of the army. The administrator of the territory called the people to be vigilant and to cooperate with the FARDC to deter rebel attacks. Beni: still no news of 600 hostages ADF Source: About six hundred people hostage Ugandan ADF rebels, are not found to date. All had been removed during the period from 2010 to 2013 at several locations in Beni territory. According to the military spokesman in North Kivu, the hostages would be executed or brought to an unknown destination. But for the administrator of the territory of Beni, hope is still allowed. Since the January 16 launch of the military operation against the ADF Sokola 1 in Beni territory, no hostages Ugandan rebels was found, said Col. Olivier Hamuli, spokesman FARDC in North Kivu. To be honest, the hostages, we did not find them, says he. Colonel Olivier Hamuli think that the hostages may have been executed by their captors: We do not know if they have taken the lead in Uganda and they were executed because you know the procedure ADF, c is to execute people, they are terrorists. We still do not know their fate. But we believe that the greater likelihood is that they have been executed. There are some graves that were found. So it is possible that among the contents, there aitcertains hostages. But for the administrator of the territory of Beni, Kalonda Amisi, hope is still allowed; because according to him, the ADF on the run, would move with columns of civilians. It indicates that some hostages were recruited into ADF. A version supported by the coordination of civil society in North Kivu. According to official figures, at least six hundred people were kidnapped between 2010 and 2013 for the most part, in the Beni-Mbau sector and Chiefdom Watalinga. But civil society and organizations of human rights talk about 893 people learned to date by the ADF, including women and children. Supported by MONUSCO, the army has for January an operation to disarm all armed groups in Beni, whose rebellion suspected of holding hundreds of people hostage in this part of North Kivu. Several hundred people including MSF workers, Catholic priests of the parish of Mbau and the medical director of the hospital Oicha are held hostage by the ADF. For its part, the spokesman of the army in North Kivu, Col. Olivier Hamuli, ensures that search operations are continuing to track down ADF rebels in Beni territory. The inhabitants of the villages of Mamundioma, Mukoko May-Moya, and Kokola Erengeti of Bambuka-Kisiki group face activism ADF rebels. ACTIONS REQUIRED: The association The Victims of Kivu War (LVGK) Please kindly act, particularly by writing: a) the Congolese authorities (DR Congo) to: i. Guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of the civilian population of the province of North Kivu, particularly those of the city and Beni territory; ii. Initiate independent investigations into alleged various forms of treason in connection with military operations in eastern Congo, especially in Beni in North Kivu province; iii. Prosecute military or civilian ALL involved in treason for collaborating with the rebel ADF / NALU or diversion operations fuel, pay, bonus and the refueling of military on the front; b) to the UN Security Council: iv. Make a decision of justice and fairness before deciding to end or change the mandate of the Mission of the Eastern United Nations stabilization of the DRC (MONUSCO) to avoid giving the impression abandon civilian of a UN member state populations prey to terrorists and kidnappers, especially in the city and the Beni territory in North Kivu province. c) at the AU Security Council (African Union) to: v. Take all practical measures required to effectively participate in the pacification of eastern DR Congo. Addresses of Congolese authorities: • -SE Joseph Kabila, President of the Republic, Office of the President of the Republic, the National Palace, Kinshasa / Gombe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Fax +243 88 02 120; Email: [email protected] • -M. Evarist Boshab j, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and Security, Email: evaristboshab@gmail • - TAMBWE Alexis Mwamba, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, PO Box 3137, Gombe Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Fax: + 243 88 05 521 Email: minjustdh@gmail • He said: Mr. prosecutor General of Republic Flory KABANGE NUMBI, Email: [email protected] • Permanent -Mission of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the United Nations, Avenue de Bude 18, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Email: [email protected], Fax: +41 22 740.16.82 • -S.E. Henri Mova Sakanyi, Ambassador, Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Brussels, 30 Mary of Burgundy, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Email: [email protected]. Fax: + -Prière Also write to the embassies of DRC in your respective countries. Done at Kinshasa, Beni, London, Geneva, Paris, Brussels, New York, 17.11.2014. For more information, please contact: • CODHO: NSii LUANDA S, +243815089970 (DR Congo) / +33754153955 (France) Email:[email protected],-codho.france@gmail Prière d’écrire également aux représentations diplomatiques de la RDC dans vos pays respectifs. Fait à Kinshasa, Beni, Butembo, Londres, Genève, Paris, Bruxelles, New-York, le 15/12/2014. ------------ Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter: • CODHO:N’Sii LUANDA S, +243815089970 (RD Congo) / +33754153955 (France), Email : [email protected] –codho.france@gmail ------------------ Appel de soutien par un DON à l’association française « Les Victimes de la Guerre du Kivu au Congo -LVGK», association Loi de 1901 Support call by DON at the French association Victims of War Kivu in Congo –LVGK” Association Act 1901 ----------- Tukipuhelu DON Ranskan yhdistys sodan uhrien Kivun Kongon –LVGK” ry vuoden 1901 -------------- Support samtal genom DON på den franska organisationen Offer för War Kivu i Kongo -LVGK “Association Act 1901 ---------- Support anrop ved DON på den franske foreningen Ofre for War Kivu i Kongo -LVGK “Association Act 1901 ----------- Grâce à votre don à LVGK nous pouvons sauver des vies humaines en danger par l’aide médicale, l’aide légale, effectuer une mission d’enquête et la production d’un rapport de mission, organiser une mission de plaidoyer, organiser une observation de procès, organiser un éloignement momentanée de la victime potentielle du lieu de danger, et une aide humanitaire aux personnes directement affectées ------------------ With your donation to LVGK we can save lives endangered by medical assistance, legal aid, a fact-finding mission and producing a report on the mission, a mission of advocacy, organizing a comment trial, organize a temporary removal of the potential victim from danger, and humanitarian aid to people directly affected ------------------- Med din donasjon til LVGK vi kan redde liv er truet av medisinsk hjelp, rettshjelp, en fact-finding og produsere en rapport om oppdrag, et oppdrag for advokatvirksomhet, organisere en kommentar rettssaken, organisere en midlertidig fjerning av potensielle offer fra fare, og humanitær hjelp til mennesker direkte berørt ------------------ Teidän lahjoituksen LVGK voimme pelastaa ihmishenkiä vaarantuu lääkärin apua, oikeusapua, tiedonhankintatehtävän ja laaditaan raportti tehtävän, tehtävän vaikuttamistyön, järjestämällä kommentti oikeudenkäyntiä, järjestää väliaikainen poistaminen mahdollinen uhri vaara, ja humanitaarista apua ihmisille suoraan vaikuttaa -------------- Med din donation till LVGK vi kan rädda liv hotas av medicinsk hjälp, rättshjälp, en undersökningsgrupp och utarbeta en rapport om uppdraget, ett uppdrag av opinionsbildning, organisera en kommentar rättegång, organisera ett tillfälligt avlägsnande av potentiella offer från fara, och humanitär hjälp till människor som är direkt drabbade Contact pour les courriers : LVGK (Project), ------------ (4ème étage, Appt 265)-1, rue Jean Lurçat, 93200 Saint Denis, Ile-de-France Email : lvgk.france@gmail Tél. :+33(0)754153955
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 16:53:15 +0000

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