“The Virtue Principle” You know as I was reading the other - TopicsExpress


“The Virtue Principle” You know as I was reading the other day, something that I had read and preached many times, over many years, leaped out at me. I read about the woman with the Issue of Blood. For 12 long years this woman suffered with this Bleeding problem. We are told that she had spent every dime she had and had only grown worse. There was nothing that any human could do for her, no matter how much money she had left to spend. This woman’s desperation lead to this woman tapping into a secret principle. What was about to happen would be repeated many times after, because if it works one time, it must would happen again and as often as it is repeated. So here is what happened. No doubt this woman was very weak from a 12 year loss of blood. Hearing that Jesus, who was a healer, was in town was very good news except for one thing, the crowed was so large that there would be no way that a weak woman could press through the crowd, in order to have Jesus lay his hands on her and heal her. Now don’t miss this, She said to herself, “If I could just get myself close enough to reach through and touch his clothes, Even at the hem, I could be healed.” Now I think it was an inspiration from heaven. I think This would be Gods was to set a principle in stone for many to follow. As this woman crawled through this crowed she reached through the legs of the well people, and maybe with one finger, the managed to touch the hem of his clothes. Mat 9:21 “For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” Now I want you to notice that MANY people were touching Jesus and none of them caught the attention of Jesus, except one, and is wasn’t her voice. It wasn’t her good looks. It wasn’t even the fact that she a lot of money for the Offering plate, or that she was a very religious woman. But the moment that her finger touched Jesus clothes something very special happened. Mar 5:29 “And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague” Now as good as this is, the Meat of the message is just about come. Its in something that happened to Jesus that we should shout about. Luk 8:46 “And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.” DID YOU GET THAT???? Jesus didn’t even see, or hear this woman but her touch was what did it. Yes many people were touching Jesus and having no effect but this one touch of Jesus garment caused a truth to flow out. Virtue would flow out of Jesus if you touched Him. Not one time would this happen but every time, this would happen. Virtue—Dunamis—Miraculous Power would flow out of Jesus and into the one who was able to touch Him. I know Jesus was being touched by thousands of people so what made this touch different? What caused the Power to flow from Jesus into this woman alone? Mar 5:34 “And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” Look Here is the Virtue Principle. When you decide that no human can help you, and you decide that Jesus alone can help. One touch will receive Power from Jesus, That will never change. Look touching Jesus will yield the same result today as yesterday, Power Will rush in to change your life. Jesus will perceive that Power has gone out of him. I want to tell you today that this woman got down on her knees with one mission, Touching Jesus. I don’t know what your need is today but I do know that what Worked 2ooo years ago will work today. Get on your knees and reach through the pressing world and touch Jesus. Trust in his Word. Virtue has no choice but to flow. God Bless yall.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 05:33:17 +0000

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