The Way Home Is Into The Heart God in His infinite mercy has sent - TopicsExpress


The Way Home Is Into The Heart God in His infinite mercy has sent Archangels and LightWorkers in Human Form to heal and lift up the women of the planet. It is for women to be healed and in turn to heal the world around them. As Womankind returns to right orientation, the Earth herself returns as well. The direction of Heaven is generously available to any and all, though not now generally experienced as such by Womankind. Healing and Clearing each heart of any and all obstructions, returns each woman to full integrity within her own heart and thus, the heart of her Creator. Each one rises to her natural station in life, filled with the bountiful gifts of spirit. As each woman experiences her heart as filled with Love, Truth, Joy & Power, it naturally spills out into the world around her, healing all within her sphere. The Substance of the Earth is transformed, lifted and united with the Substance of Heaven and all is returned to Natural Order. As each woman is healed, she becomes a Healer, and may choose to be ordained as such by the Sanctuary of Inner Light. The Feminine Energy is TRUTH. Her Masculine Guardian Angel is LOVE. As Truth responds to Love, comes into union with Love, and allows herself to be subject ONLY to LOVE… the two create Life between them. The Life and Joy created overflows from her heart and into the world around her. LOVE is a mighty power. It is LIGHT. It is the energy of life. It brings us into life and sustains us while we live and breathe. Each Human woman now on the planet has her own Masculine Counterpart, and Guardian Angel in the spirit realm. He is awaiting her uncovering of her own true heart connection, and thus her connection with him. The life of a woman is to feel love. A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea... And in experiencing her connection with her own Guardian Angel, she is thus connected through him to Divine Source. In this way, each woman experiences the security and serenity of her rightful place in the Universe. #Love you ALL ~ Lana ~ Good night angels
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:32:42 +0000

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