The Winter Solstice is this weekend. Time to prepare your mind, - TopicsExpress


The Winter Solstice is this weekend. Time to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for this transition. I have already spoken to several people who are struggling with the winter blues. Great news Sunday is the longest night of the year. Every day on the other side gets brighter...if not warmer. Its time to go within. Its time to regenerate. The Winter Solstice is the time within the natural cycles of life for the energy of death or sleep to appear so all that has run its course can die or rest. This is a necessary part of the cycle of life that prepares for the future. From the vestiges of death new, vibrant life can emerge in the spring. Winter Solstice begins the time of the year when it is best to allow your mind, body, and spirit to relax and regenerate. We all recognize that much of nature follows that inclination. We can see trees and other plants, and animals of many kinds resting, going within and allowing themselves to regenerate all around us. But we humans are to only ones who judge ourselves harshly when we have the desire to do the same. If we permit ourselves to follow the examples of nature we could find more peace in the midst of the darkest and coldest times of the year. Winter Solstice (and the winter season) is the perfect time of the year to boost up your meditation practice. As you allow yourself to cocoon first meditate on release. Just as the trees have released the old energy that express through their leaves allow yourself to release the old and unneeded energy of the last year. Clear your mental and spiritual energy to provide unhindered space for what you need to receive. That is the next meditation focus, receiving. Once you have released old decaying energy open yourself to the powerful energy that winter provides. It is in winter that we receive our instructions and plans for the coming spring. It is in this time that we decide what seeds we will plant for the season of growth and newness. This is also a perfect time to read. It is a time that your spirit is ready to absorb information. Choose to study the things that will help you to grow what you plant in the coming spring. It may take a little longer to absorb the energy in the winter. All energy is slower in the winter. But whatever you allow yourself to soak up will be deep rooted. Allow yourself to be in the darkness. There are revelations to be found in darkness. Allow yourself to feel the cold every now and then. Only with the feel of cold does a person truly appreciate warmth. Allow yourself to ride the wave of winter energy. Stay home if you feel like it. Sleep more if you want. Be quieter if you need to. Appreciate the coldest and darkest months. They have great value. If you are truly struggling during these dark months you can do a few things to boost your energy. 1. You can wear bright colors to lift your spirits. Colors have a great affect on our spirits. You will very rarely see a bright red classroom because red gives us a vibrating energy. Children would have a hard time focusing in a red classroom. But that vibrating energy could do a world of good for someone sad. So, if youre feeling down break out your red, yellow, orange, and bright greens for a charge! 2. Use happy and uplifting scents. Many people use heavier scents in the cold months. If you find yourself longing for spring wear a scent that you would normally wear in warm weather. Grab your honeysuckle or other floral, fruity or citrus scents to lift your winter blahs. 3. Surround yourself with light. Get brighter light bulbs, light candles or the fireplace, etc. Just do whatever you can to have lots of light around you. 4. Dance. 5. Sing. 6. Visit people you love or allow them to visit you. This can be a challenging time for many. Do what you must to hold on. The light is around the corner.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:56:15 +0000

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