The Word for the week: "Psalm 9 - Part II" by Pastor. Chandran - TopicsExpress


The Word for the week: "Psalm 9 - Part II" by Pastor. Chandran Lite 2) Divine Reign The ground of hope in prayer is the belief is that Lord rules. In contrast to the temporary threat of the wicked Yahweh “reigns” having established “His throne for judgment (V 7) Yahweh is king”. Belief in his kingship affects one’s outlook in life in two ways. First, the doctrine of God’s kingship affirms the conviction of the difference between his rule and that of the nations. His rule is characterized by perpetuity (“forever”), justice (judgment), equality (righteousness) (verse8) and “uprightness”. Second, the doctrine of God’s kingship gives hope in the biblical teaching that He shall establish righteousness on earth (V8).Because He reigns there is hope. He is the “refuge” and ‘stronghold’ for His children (V9). The repetition (NIV, ’refuge’ ‘stronghold’ bears out the dependability of the Lord in the hour of need (Psalm 46:7’11; 59:10, 16-17) God as a ‘refuge’ was a significant Old Testament metaphor for the power and goodness of Yahweh for the ‘oppressed’. He does not and ‘never’ will forsake those who rely on Him. (V10) The Psalmist is confident that God’s rule is beneficial to the godly that is, to those who “know” the ‘Name of the Lord’ (V10) Yahweh’s judgment is no temporary passing things. Yahweh sits forever, having set up his throne for the purpose of judgment. In verse 9, the same Hebrew world (misgab) appears behind NIV translation for both ‘refuge’ and ‘stronghold’ in this verse. This world describes a high, rocky spot that is inaccessible and this provides protection from encroaching enemies. In I Samuel 23:14 it says “David stayed in the desert strongholds and in the hills of the desert of Ziph day after Saul searched for Him, but God did not give David, God was the refuge. The early American Indians had a particular way of training young boys to become Indian braves. On the night of a boys’ 13th birthday, after learning hunting, scouting, and fishing skills, he was put to one final test. He was placed in a thick forest to spend the entire night alone. Up until then, he had never been away from his family and the tribe. But on this night, he was blind folded and taken several miles away. When he took off the blindfold, he was in the middle of a thick woods and he was scared to death! Every time a twig snapped, he would think of a wild animal getting ready to pounce. After what seemed like an eternity, and the sun began to rise the next morning. The boy looked around and saw flowers, trees and a path. And then, to his complete amazement, he saw the figure of a man standing just a few feet away, armed with a bow and arrow. It was his father! And he had been there all day night long. God does the same thing. There may be times that you are scared to death and perhaps you think that you are all alone, and there is no one around who knows what you are going through. But God is always there. When you are in a tight corner situation, do not give in to self-pity or discouragement. Affirm your confidence in God. We all deal with times of trouble. We have times in our lives when a loved one passes away. We have times in our life when we feel like people are saying mean things about us. We have times in our lives when it seems like our family is falling apart and when those times come hopefully we will be like David and we will find God is our refuge and strength. David goes on to say “Those who know your name will trust you”. (V10). Those who know the name of Yahweh are the Covenant people who have received the revelation of God’s name (Ex 3:6), who therefore have an intimate relationship with Him and faithfully serve him alone. Let me conclude this second part with what S M. Lock ridge has written “You can trust Him”. He is the one who made us. It is he who made us and not we ourselves. The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handy works. I am telling you today to trust Him. No barrier can hinder him from pouring out His blessing. He is enduringly strong and He is entirely sincere He is eternally steadfast. He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world...He does not have to call for help, and you can’t confuse Him. He is unique. He is unparalled. He is the superlative of everything good that you can call Him. I am trying to tell you can trust Him .He can satisfy all your needs and He can do if simultaneously. He supplies strength for the weak and He is available for the tempted and the tried…He guards and guides. He heals the sick, He cleansed the leper. He forgives sinners. He discharges debtors. He delivers the captive, He defends the people. I am trying to tell you, church, you can trust Him…. He is the door way of deliverance .He is the path of peace… he is the gateway to glory you can trust Him. He is the governor of governors. He is the prince of princes. He is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. You can trust Him… There was nobody before Him. There will be nobody after Him. He has no predecessor .He will have no successor. You can trust Him… He is the Alpha and the omega… The first and the last. He is all things… He is joy out of every sorrow. He is the light of every darkness… You can trust Him. There is no God before Him. There will be none after Him. He is the first, He is the last. There is no other God. You Can Trust HIM God Bless You! Pastor Chandran Lite
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:22:27 +0000

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