The Worrisome “Other” Half The Mishna in Avos (2:7) says, - TopicsExpress


The Worrisome “Other” Half The Mishna in Avos (2:7) says, “Marbeh Nechasim Marbeh Daaga”, he who has more possessions has more worries. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? When you have more possessions shouldn’t you have less to worry about? Rebbi Eliezer Fleckless answers in the name of his Rebbe the Noda BiYehuda. Chazal tell us, “Ein Adam Meis V’Chatzi Ta’avasoi BiYodoi”, a person doesn’t die, having acquired half of what he wanted to acquire. This means that the more possessions you have the more you feel you need. You must then raise the bar to chase down the constantly growing other half. If so trying to acquire this illusive second half is quite a headache that keeps growing with every success. Inevitably the pressure and your worries about not achieving your goal of catching a moving target adds worry upon worry.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:00:01 +0000

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