The Zen of model building part 2 - TopicsExpress


The Zen of model building part 2 OPENING THE BOX!!!! So there we go , model kit and supplies in tow, tucked neatly in the trunk or the back seat of the car, speeding home eager to tear into that box full of plastic goodies. Now here is where we get a couple different sub spiecies of model kit collectors. (lemme preach on it) there are a few different types of model builders, here is a few. 1. THE-OUT-OF-BOX-BUILDER. this model builder has some skills, he hides the obvious seams, and does paint and assemble the kit using everything that came with the kit, adding no aftermarket add ons like alternate decals, replacement parts etc. 2. THE I-CAN-BUILD-IT-BETTER-BUILDER this builder likes to change things up, he will add his own touches,(buying after market stuff for the kit , changing the paint scheme with new decals ) or he changes the stance, pose . some little improvement on the kits shape that he sees as inaccurate. 3. THE MY-WAY-BUILDER. this builder totally changes the model, different schemes are the norm , bordering on fantasy (have you seen my budweiser F-20 aircraft pitting like a nascar racer?) think something like a stealth 747. or a armored prius. 4.THE NOTHING-BUT-GLUE-BUILDER this guy loves the model to be molded in color, he adds no paint , sands no seams. throws glue at it and the decals that came with it and sits it on the shelf then heads out to get the next one. 5.THE DAMN-IT-SHOULD-BE-IN-A-MUSEUM-BUILDER. this guy constantly gets told his stuff should be in a museum , for him realism is the norm, if you look at it , and can imagine it starting up and flying, rolling or otherwise coming to life then this builder did his part, using everything in his repituare to wring every last detail out of the kit that is physically possible. 6. THE START-IT-AND-BUY-THREE-MORE-AND-NEVER-FINISH-A-ONE-BUILDER for this modeler the thrill is opening the kit , imagining what he is going to do with each little piece,then it hits him, he needs three more (in my case i just bought 5 space 1999 eagle spacecraft models) to do all the versions of the subject that are availible, after buying the next three kits , his model building A.D.D. sets in and he is off to buy the next model that catches his attention. this often results in full storage sheds, closets,underneath beds,corners. and the ocasional kit above the kitchen cabinets. this modeler becomes more of a collector than a builder. 7.THE IT-SUCKS-ILL-WAIT-FOR-THE-TAMIYA-KIT-BUILDER this modeler swears he could have molded the kit better than the kit manufacturer, this guy knows how many times a kit has been re-released with different packaging and decals, and has bought each one thinking somehow the kits tooling will be improved, instead of just re-poped. so he paitiently waits for Tamiya (the ferrari of model kit manufacturers) to release the kit he wants. until then he constantly compares all others to the Tamiya brand 8.THE I-NEED-THE-PARTS-FOR-MY-NEXT-MODEL-BUILDER this guy sees a set of guns , ordinance, motor, decals, something in this kit he can use on another kit, so this one is bought and cannibalized for the parts he wants then the rest is stored to be either further cannibalized for other kits he builds or swapped to another model builder who needs something out of the kit too. 9.THE CRONIC-CRITIC-BUILDER this builder buys the kit , opens it and immeditely finds something wrong with it. it could be the shape of the body/fuselague of the car or aircraft , this modeler then proceeds to cut , channel stretch or add bondo to change the shape of the kit to his standards. 10.THE DUST-COLLECTOR-BUILDER. And lastly theres the chronic dust collector, this guy buys two of every kit , opening only one kit. keeping the other sealed , the first kit may or may not ever get built but every box is put away in his stash to collect dust and someday might come when the kit is broke out looked at, pondered over , then eventually put back in the stash once again.....(its a vicious cycle). TOMORROW, DIGGING IN !!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:05:11 +0000

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