The alarm fails to sound. The kids are slow to get ready. The - TopicsExpress


The alarm fails to sound. The kids are slow to get ready. The fridge is empty of milk. And then the route to an appointment is filled broken traffic lights. You forgot the paper work for that important meeting at home…. Tell me why… I don’t like Monday’s…. My heart sighs and I wish I could just rewind time and start the day all over. Days like these can leave you in despair. You feel frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed. There must be something I can do — that there must be some way to grab back control over my days. What you really need is the WORD. I realized that if I believe in the doctrine of God’s sovereignty I had to face the truth that God is never surprised by any frustrating event I encounter. Spurgeon once said that even a speck of dust cannot move unless God wants it to. God is in sovereign control of all he has made and of all the details of our lives. “Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.” (Psalm 135:6). Since this is true — since nothing happens outside God’s will and plan — then my daily challenges are under his sovereign control, too. He knows about all the traffic lights and late appointments, and the everyday-stress of work. He is not surprised it. All the events of our lives that feel out of our control are actually in God’s control. Lamentations 3:37–38 says, “Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?” God is in control of every circumstance and every event of our lives, and he uses them, often in some mysterious way, to change us more into the likeness of Christ. Every late appointment and every empty jug of milk is sovereignly decreed and used for my good. The taxi driver in front of me, is for my transformation. Instead of despairing over the seemingly random and chaotic events in my life, I can view them in light of his sovereign care. When my days are long and everything seems to go wrong, I know it has all happened for a reason. In fact, all of my challenges are used for my spiritual good — they are to make me more like Christ (Romans 8:28–29). This is what God is about. He is not in the business of making my life comfortable and free of any stress. He has something greater planned for me: my holiness. There Is Hope In the midst of the chaos, see Jesus and how much you need Him each and every moment. The God of grace who saved me from sin is the God of grace who will help me have patience. Every challenging situation becomes an opportunity for me to trust Him — to obey, to learn, to grow, to rely more on his grace. So when the dryer breaks and you get a flat tire, instead of despair there is hope. Life doesn’t feel out of control if we know Who is in control. We can trust and rest in God’s sovereignty, knowing that he is using our every stress for our transformation and his glory. Shalom!!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:28:26 +0000

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