The basic illusion is mistaking your identity as being anxious, - TopicsExpress


The basic illusion is mistaking your identity as being anxious, stressed, in conflict, or tense. Because that which is Aware of being anxious, stressed, in conflict, or tense is something that resides at a deeper level of your being than tension, anxiety, fear, or stress. That which is aware of tension cannot itself be tense - tension is a quality of subjective-experience, but that which is Aware or Witnesses or Watches those changing subjective-qualities and movement - is not itself tied to, limited to, or identical to them. It (That Pure-Awareness or Ultimate-Subjectivity) is deeper and more fundamental than even so called human-experience which is a series of dreams appearing called the waking and dream states of human consciousness. That Pure-Subjectivity has been called The Eye of the universe looking out through the human-being in order to Know-Itself, to become Self-Aware, to transform and awaken as the True-Self. This has been called Self-Realization in the Eastern world. It has also been called the Third-Eye. It is known as the 7th Chakra. When it opens or wakes up and Realizes Itself - It becomes Self-Aware. Its what Adi Da Samraj called The 7th-Stage of Life. Its what Gurdjieff called the Number 7 Man or The Law of Seven. 7 is the spiritual number that represents Enlightenment is many traditions and cultures and mythologies. Back to the sense of being tense or contracted-within.... The anxiety, tension, fear, and stress has its own energy and that energy moves and creates its own knot or ball of energy and that energy forms into something called the self, the ego. The mistake or illusion is when you (appear) to become fused or identified with the knot and you think that you ARE anxious, that you ARE tense, that you ARE experiencing stress. In Truth, you are not experiencing anything of those things. You are deeper than all human-experience or perception. You Are Divine having or being Aware of or Witnessing a human-consciousness having its own experiences and then identifying with them and taking them to be the Really-Real-Reality. Those things (fear, tension, anxiety) are arising as subjective-qualities of experience for human-consciousness. If you took all of your subjective-qualities together - in this moment - the sensations, thoughts, memories, perceptions, emotions... those altogether comprise the whole of your experience. The German word for whole is Gestalt. Thus, all of your subjective-experience (when identified with experience as if it is YOU and not something arising within you - as an apparent translation of energy) is what is called a: Qualia-Gestalt. Therefore, the ego, the self, anxiety, fear, etc., etc., are all only Qualia-Gestalts arising in consciousness. The ego is a qualia-gestalt of human-consciousness. Rather, it is that the body that is experiencing those things. The sense of tension, contraction, dilemma, or anxiety is correlated in the body with the muscles being tense, breathing changing, etc. Whoever is tense is a dream character or an illusion created by a ball of contracted energy which human-consciousness has identified itself with and has fallen prey to a case of mistaken identity - in other words its a state of unawareness, (ignorance), or sleep. It is the body and human consciousness experiencing those things. But are you in the body?. Actually, the body is in you and is Witnessed as a qualia-gestalt arising in consciousness. Your not in anything - everything is In The Real You. Because the Real-You Transcends and includes everything as Its own Mystery. The Third-Eye or the Ever-Deeper and Ever-Present-Witnessing-Awareness is that which Is Aware of tension and therefore is more close to your Root-Core-Essence than the tension itself. What I am saying is that what you Really-Are Is Deeper than the body, the mind, and even subjective-experience which Is something that the Real-You is Witnessing right now. You are something deeper and more fundamental than even experience or subjective-qualia Gestalt, and deeper even than consciousness. You are The Absolute. What has been called Pure-Awareness. Pure-Awareness (so to speak) Is the-All-Seeing-Eye of God peaking-through or looking through human consciousness in order to become Aware of Itself in such a way that It Realizes that it is beyond-consciousness that It is beyond-experience that it is what Nisargadatta Maharaj called Prior to consciousness. When I say consciousness I mean human-consciousness: sight, sound, touch, thought, emotion, perception. When I say Awareness with a capital A I mean the All-Seeing-Eye (so to speak) which is transcendent to all experience and that can only be Known by Itself (Pure-Awareness) Revealing Itself to Be The One and Only Case There Is. It Is The Only Is (As Is) - Pure-Is-Awareness - Is-Aware. Only That Is. As Is. Is. You are not of time, space, or limitation, or separation. You are of Is. And Thats Just The Way It Is. It Is What It Is. As Is - Only. Is.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:18:23 +0000

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