The beast within the cage . Today is an incredible hot day, the - TopicsExpress


The beast within the cage . Today is an incredible hot day, the sky is a mesmerizing blue and the sun burns inclement against us. Today is a perfect day to enjoy a walk around the city or to see an event in the square, but instead I am surrounding by screams and cry, I guess if my existence no have another way to be, because since my born day the chaos decided to walk whit me forever, but I believe that in order that you understand my situation I must tell you my life. . I have born in this kingdom almost 17 years ago, I am one of these called “forbidden bastard” my heritage belongs to the second royal line. And yes, I am a prince of this kingdom, but the princes of my class do not deserve anything, we only deserve a life of sorrow and bitterness. . The forbidden bastard are the decency of a human with a giant, the giants are corrupted humans, they were corrupted when they tried to improve their bodies, they wanted to improve it because the wars against the Macitaji of the great mountain had been more ruthless than ever. . The Macitaji were winning the war and the kingdom’s nobles in a desperate attempt defied the natural laws of life, they used alchemy, those arcane mysteries that no one should ever use, but, they wanted to win, and in that war, the castle walls were witnesses of the most incredible offensive against the Macitaji, whit only 58 high-grade warriors born in the first line of royalty, the warriors that had drunk the cursed potion to improve their bodies left the castle walls and entered to the battlefield. . The Macitaji are known for their great size and strength, they are nearly twice the size of a human, they are like beasts, they have horns and a pale skin as the snow where they live, their body is full of hair, they are relentless warriors, and one day, they decided to leave their mountain during the winter whit the only purpose to make the war on who were in their path, apparently for no reason. . Those 58 great warriors aided by alchemy changed their appearance, they were incredibly high exceeding by a head to an average Macitaji, they were incredibly strong, they were still like a human, whit the only difference that they had lost their tails. Or it was what they had thought. . The battleground sang the hymn of victory to 58 warriors, Macitaji set up withdrawal, they were heroes, and they had been defending the city as their champions for at least 6 years, no one dared to attack the kingdom because of them, the kingdom were a peaceful place and it grew as it had never done, everyone loved the royal family, everything was like a dream until alchemy took its sacrifice for granted them whit wonderful gifts. . (Continue)
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:36:39 +0000

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