The bible speaks of Guarding your heart, not Following it. - TopicsExpress


The bible speaks of Guarding your heart, not Following it. (Proverbs 4:23 and Jeremiah 17:9) Its so easy to be deceived and misled when media and society promote the exact opposite. But trust in the Lord with all you heart, and not in your own judgements. (Prov. 3:5). Your heart is valuable and soo fragile, dont give it up so easily! At times itll be a challenge to not pursue or entertain ideas of relationships that you thought wouldve been nice. But make the effort, submit your flesh, overcome your thoughts, believe that God is the only one that discerns and knows the heart, & I can assure you that you wont end up with a broken heart. Its not easy because although our spirit may be willing, our flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41) But dont be discouraged, be patient and wait on the Lord. & If youve failed to guard your heart, and entertained thoughts that ended in a heartbreak, be encouraged in knowing that the Lord is near to the broken hearted and his nature is to encourage the discouraged. He IS constant, he IS faithful, he knows your pain, he sees your tears, and he will not leave you in your hurt. He embraces you with his perfect and unfailing love, and wraps you in his arms, with hands crafted to heal and mend your battered heart
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:57:14 +0000

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