The book of Judges is not a pleasant book It describes a period - TopicsExpress


The book of Judges is not a pleasant book It describes a period in Israel’s history when they were without a strong, godly leader. Perhaps the times and the book are best summed up by Judges 17:6, “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” When man is left to himself, it will not be long before he finds himself in deep trouble. This was the case in Israel as well. God had birthed them in grace and had delivered them from slavery in Egypt. He had led them through the wilderness giving them blessing on top of blessing. They were a favored people. They were the chosen ones of the Lord God Almighty. He led them; He fed them and He protected them. Eventually, He led them into the land of Canaan. This was their Promised Land. It was a land flowing with milk and honey, and it was given to them by the sovereign will of God. All they had to do was enter the land, destroy the people who were living there and take up residence. Sounds easy enough. After all they had the Lord on their side. God had given Israel Himself; He also handed to them His commandments; He gave them a Law. But, Israel denied the Lord, defiled the land and defied the Law. As a result, God was forced to judge these people He loved so very much. But, Israel’s story is not limited to their experience. Looking back through the corridor of time, one can see nation after nation that had a great beginning, achieving tremendous success only to suffer a horrible fall and a tragic end as well. Today, here we stand as a free, sovereign country. There is no doubt that America had an amazing beginning. Our great nation was forged on the Word of God by men who held tightly to their convictions and who were held in the strong grip of their faith in Almighty God. There is no disputing the fact that America was founded, not as a religious nation, but as a Christian nation! There is no question but that God Himself had His hand in the formation of this country. Yet, like Israel of old, America has denied the Lord . We have defiled the land He gave us. We have defied the Law He established us upon. As a result, America is no more a Christian nation. We are no longer “one nation under God.” We, like Israel, have turned away from the God Who made us great and we have gone after gods of our own design. We are a nation that has experienced the great and manifold blessings of God in the past; we are a nation that will face God’s hand of judgment in the future! My friend, in these verses we can see a portrait of our nation as it is today and we can get a glimpse of what lies in store for America, if she does not return to God. Whether you know it or not, we are facing a real crisis in our nation. We have religion, but there is no fear of God. We have civilization and culture, but they are built on the shifting sands of human philosophy and wisdom and not the firm foundation of the Word of God It remains to be seen where we go from here. Well we know God knows but we can also know by reading this book the results of not turning back to him. May the Lord help America. Friends we need to pray and seek the Lord at this pivotal Time in our history.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 08:51:16 +0000

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