The cabal representatives showed up with a detailed and complex - TopicsExpress


The cabal representatives showed up with a detailed and complex flow-chart showing the exact nature of the cabal governing structure and the names of the people involved:...US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, CIA head John Brennan, as well as the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan and Chinese dynastic families. Other institutions that featured prominently included the UN, the British Monarchy, the G7, the Bank for International Settlements etc. ... The very top names were missing from the chart. ...entirely new transparent financial structures, involving humanity as a whole, would be needed in order to prevent violent revolution and civil war in the US and other places... In this way, various groups fighting for control of the world’s financial system could all be made happy. Neil Keenan and his group could start their big projects to turn the deserts green etc. The other M1 and their OITC group (presumably the Vatican) could finance big anti-poverty campaigns being promoted by Pope Francis. The British Commonwealth and their interests could also start massive projects, as could the Germans and just about everybody else. In general, the end of the private central bank monopoly system should be release so much latent human potential that is should be possible to make everybody happy (at least at first). The WDS has suggested that publicly opening $1 trillion Federal Reserve Box 1558 after paying the original owners $500,000, would be one way to kick start the new system. It is just a proposal and other ways to kick off a big campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destructions are also being proposed. The point is to stop talking about it and stop jockeying for power and start fixing the planet instead. The pentagon, for example, as opposed to cabal controlled rogue forces like Al CIAda, has refused to participate in the cabal war against Syria and it also did not participate in the campaign against Libya. Pentagon sources also confirm they were told by Russia that any US military moves against Syria would lead to war with Russia; something the pentagon wants to avoid. The recent move by the US government to normalize relations with Iran is another sign of declining Zionist (cabal) influence in Washington. Maybe a few people there are starting to wake up to the fact that for 30 years now Zionist controlled media have been saying Iran is within months of having a nuclear weapon and needs to be attacked. The US military are not allowing themselves to be manipulated into criminal wars by Satan worshipping fanatics any longer. Then there is Pope Francis who is clearly different from his predecessor, who was forced to resign because of his Satanic connections with known war criminals like Tony Blair and George Bush. We are also seeing more and more people finding the courage to publicly take on the cabal. Journalist Seymour Hersh, for example, has outed the fake Bin Laden murder in formerly cabal controlled media outlets. Other corporate media operatives are now getting brave enough to write about cabal murder squads. Direct human intelligence (i.e. moles within the cabal terror network and other witnesses) has shed a lot of light on that terror operation. We know the names of many of the operatives behind that attack including former top Jesuit Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, Yasuhiro Nakasone, former pope Benedict and P2 honcho Marco Di Mauro. Why aren’t they confessing to their role in this mass murder on public airwaves?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 17:03:13 +0000

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