The controversy over the Mangano/Busby/Shermann study on thyroid - TopicsExpress


The controversy over the Mangano/Busby/Shermann study on thyroid cases is still happening. Ive talked PSR, Helen, and many more about the study and it is still regarded as shoddy by people whose opinions I trust most. And these people I refer to are the first to tell you that there are no safe levels of low doses of radiation as well. They are not from the circus. Many have said this was of dubious scientific merit but here Dr. Hiranuma breaks down the errors in their work. fukushimavoice-eng2.blogspot/2014/04/a-letter-to-editor-regarding.html This may be controversial for some, but you should be aware of what is being said about this study in circles of our supporters at PSR and elsewhere. Apparently even after Steve Wing wrote his article in opposition to how the first study was done, Mangano did NOT change his methods and went thru the 2nd study the same way as the first. When Yuri went back to do her own research on Manganos facts, she could not find one thing to support the claims made in many of his footnotes/source references. Its all detailed here. fukushimavoice-eng2.blogspot/2014/04/a-letter-to-editor-regarding.html The issue at hand is we have yet again the CON coming into play. No matter how much we believe and know that radiation is here and going to hurt us in some way, we cannot make up facts that is has done so already without clear scientific proof. We certainly cannot play the CONs game of doctoring how we present our findings to support what will happen but perhaps has not yet, at least in this example, when the study was happening. So please do not refer to this study any more. Feel free to refer to what has happened and has been proved scientifically from Chernobyl. Marushka France..if you could post those on this thread, that would be helpful. Thanks.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 19:35:09 +0000

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