The day after We have lived seventy two hours with non stop - TopicsExpress


The day after We have lived seventy two hours with non stop French news, dramatic events brought to us live and a final act worthy of the best American series. May the casualties rest in peace and congratulations to the French forces for their rapid and professional intervention to end the crisis. Some lessons though should be retained. The following is my personal opinion that might not be in line with what my friends or others think, nevertheless I will use my right of free speech in this marvelous social network that allowed all of us a freedom of expression that we lacked just a few years back. 1. Freedom of expressions objective is to defend human rights not to offend human beliefs. 2. Political leaders of the West have to clearly identify the obvious injustice that the Palestinian people has been enduring for more almost 60 years now. This injustice was, is and will stay the main fuel feeding the manipulators of Islamic radicalization. 3. Western political leaders should stop criticizing the ruling practices in the Middle East according to their economical interests. Instead it would be much more beneficial to work closely with the intelligence services of countries like Egypt, Syria and Lebanon who have been fighting those terrorists for years. 4. Demonizing Islam leads to more terrorism, it is the worlds duty to accept Islam as it is and work with the Islamic leaders for better communication, better understanding and mostly for a much stronger peaceful speech. Marginalizing Muslims will end with confrontation. 5. There are no miracle medicine to cure immediately situations such as Daech, Somalia or Lybia, especially not through air strikes, only honest, long term hard work and mainly recognizing political mistakes will save us from proliferation of such conflicts. Finally, along with all of the above the true Muslim leaders aware of the real Islam should immediately start a new era of religious education putting in place a long term program and hope to have in a few years generations of enlightened role models Muslims putting an end to this dark age. Wishful thinking you might all say, but I will always stay optimistic and will always believe that goodness is the essence of human beings, evilness is induced by manipulators.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 09:05:51 +0000

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