The debate on immigration reform has nothing to do with Americans - TopicsExpress


The debate on immigration reform has nothing to do with Americans and everything to do with illegal aliens. This so called debate is going to allow illegal aliens amnesty and allow even more aliens into the country, the so called debate is how to do this only. This is not immigration reform, it is amnesty plain and simple and is not good for America and its citizenry. It does not matter your economic status, ethnicity, gender or any other divisive term the democratic communist use to separate and divide us. This will hurt us and obama is hell bent on hurting us. One of the things the race divider obama likes to say is he is for black Americans. This amnesty and the allowance of the non-Americans to stay here hurts those true Americans the most. Next is any American looking for work that is unskilled and needs an entry level job, most all of us started there. Comprehensive immigration reform is this: Close our borders to illegal aliens, remove any and all illegal aliens, increase legal immigration on a as needed basis and, this as needed basis does not allow them to be a financial burden to taxpayers.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:40:55 +0000

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