The demon Witch series is written from Lucas point of view but Ive - TopicsExpress


The demon Witch series is written from Lucas point of view but Ive had a bit of fun writing a little something from the other characters viewpoints. Grey’s story. It was a job I didnt want to do but Riggenson was adamant. He wasnt a man to argue with. I knew my duty and I wouldnt run from it but baby-sitting wasnt the danger I sought. The woman and her daughter were at the address written on the piece of paper Riggenson had handed to me. There was no time to lose but despite our best efforts we were too bloody late. A car raced out of the drive as we drove in. I didnt get to see his face but I took a guess at who it was. We had been trailing this man although he never knew about it. The house flashed with fire as we screeched to a halt. The front door sat open and, despite the strange blue flames licking at the bricks of the house, I ran in. I wasnt afraid although I would have to confess to not thinking about it. I ran purely on instinct. I passed the small porch, dashed through the hallway into the front room where the flames were the most ferocious. I could see the room and its contents most clearly. Where was the smoke that should be filling the room? I saw the woman first, her eyes open and staring but I could see she was gone. The dead have this look in their eyes, there was an absence and I knew there would be no helping her. She lay on her back; her head at an impossible angle and her mouth was caught in a sigh of regret. The mother was dead but where was the daughter? I spun in the doorway, my eyes searching the room… There… there she was. I fell to my knees beside her, my hands on her face. Riggenson wanted this one the most of all. We had lost the mother but this child could make up for that loss with her life. The fire burned all around us, searing blue fire which should have be burning me but it didnt come near us and I knew it was the girl herself who kept it at bay. I lifted her into my arms, she weighed nothing at all. She was so tiny in my embrace, so precious. She opened her eyes to look at me and I heard her whisper…I thought it sounded like …my angel… Her eyes were a pale grey, almost translucent in the eerie light of the fire all around us. I could see the reflection of the blue fire in those eyes…as though the blue fire lived inside her. I wasnt expecting the slam of emotions hitting me squarely in the chest. I was a military man, I didnt act on impulses. My reactions were calculated, I was trained but for a moment I was lost in the intensity of those eyes. In that brief moment she had changed me, I would never be whole again unless I was with her. I didnt believe in love at first sight but here was a girl, only sixteen, who had changed my entire world. A harsh voice screamed at me, an order bellowed and I lifted that strange girl out of that burning house, away from her dead mother and into the clean air outside. That was my first true sight of Luca Morelyn. The photos didnt do her justice, the real thing was so different. She seemed to have a power and I was sucked right in. I would never be the same again. Marcus Grey.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:40:47 +0000

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