The disabled thrown onto unemployment with no chance of getting a - TopicsExpress


The disabled thrown onto unemployment with no chance of getting a job even if their illnesses would allow them to hold one down, the unemployed branded cheats and shirkers, the bedroom tax, benefit caps and rising numbers of poverty stricken forced to hold their bowl out at food banks like Oliver Twist while empathy-less rich degenerates like Lord Freud pass flippant and detached from reality comments in defence of their own position. We are mugs, the whole damned lot of us are nothing more than mugs to them, their fat salaries paid for by us, Iain Duncan Smith in his rent free £2 million house eating his £39 breakfasts that ultimately we enable him to eat, looking down on us all for the mugs he considers us to be and the mugs we certainly continue to show ourselves to be also. They take our money, ram their snouts deep into the taxpayer funded expenses, work on the side too and even eat in the House of Commons and Lords dining areas at taxpayer subsidised rates also, whilst the people they represent are holding those bowls out at the food banks they find no guilt or shame in taking that £1million+ per annum taxpayer subsidy to their food intake there at all. And how does society in general respond to this absolute piss take that is being perpetrated upon us by those we have elected, we attack and beat on the disabled, last year a 14% increase was recorded in attacks on the disabled, we fall for their mealy mouthed sound-bites about shirkers and those that just don`t want to work, it did not matter that the governments own figures for fraud within the incapacity benefits sector was actually 0.4%, by the governments own figures of the 2.5 million people on disability therefore there were 10,000 who were fraudulently claiming, yet we allowed them to them paint all 2.5 million as shirkers and through ATOS, their paid manipulators of the truth, throw off hundreds of thousands from that benefit, if the governments own figures would indicate 10,000 fraudulent cases, how did we buy into the notion that hundreds of thousands were?..... Because we are mugs, they see us as mugs and we act like the mugs they view us to be. So here we are, even further proof of the mugs we are, we pay them huge salaries, subsidise their food, allow them to earn quite large sums in many cases on the side and we even allow them to claim expenses for their children that no damned employer in the land would ever consider we would be entitled to do and the response from society in general will be? ........... Kick the dog maybe, shout at the wife and kids, vent the frustration of being a mug by having a go at some poor defenceless bugger in a wheelchair or maybe stomp up and down the street shouting about immigrants, even though a recent study showed that without those immigrants we would actually be worse off to the tune of £billions. That`s what mugs do isn`t it, they allow the banks to get away with fleecing and destroying them, they shrug off the large corporations not paying their taxes, they wave their tattered national flag while their "betters" spend £billions of their tax money on wars all over the globe and not only do they stand back and watch the most vulnerable amongst us destroyed whilst they are doing all this, but to the tune of a 14% increase they kick the guy in the wheelchair for good measure too. Rule Britannia, the mugs they are so brave, beating wheelchair users from the frustrations of being a slave.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:05:37 +0000

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