“The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life - TopicsExpress


“The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.” ̶̶ ̶ Archibald MacLeish THE AMBIVALENCE OF FILIPINO TRAITS AND VALUES The best thing about the Filipino is his ability to weather and survive all calamities that comes along whether man-made or the wrath of nature. Accordingly, the Filipino can cope with any disaster and he will cope it up with the resiliency of a bamboo plant that can be swayed but can never be uprooted. And one such reason is the Filipino joy and humor. We may be one of the poorest country in this planet, but certainly we are also one of the happiest people. When this conflict broke out some 12 days ago, I was one of those who downplayed it, did not really pay much attention to it and was one of those who made jokes out of it. I posted old funny pictures on my wall here on Facebook and had the time of my life joking about it. The truth, I laughed too. I know it will be over in a matter of hours. However, as days past and when thousand fled their homes, combatants, civilians and even little children died, and more than a dozen hostages of which some are women, are still unaccounted until this writing, I cannot continue downplaying it anymore and certainly cannot make jokes or appreciate jokes anymore. Especially about this conflict. Pictures and videos of those who fled their homes, the areas where hundreds of houses were razed to the ground, of those who died, and the scene of those thousands in evacuation centers haunt me especially in the evening. For many nights now, I cannot sleep like I used to. Of lately, the sound of helicopters hovering the night sky sends chill down my spine. I am easily annoyed and stay that way for hours. I am asking the question why am I acting like this? Why all of a sudden there is a different me. I tried so hard to find answers, looking at things rationally then logically. But then the little progress I make will let me backslide a thousand phases to where I was, or back to zero. As of the moment I can only perceive things emotionally, and I am not a person who uses his emotions, not every day. I envy those who can still find time to laugh, make jokes, find humor like an ordinary Filipino. Of lately, I started entertaining Conspiracy Theories which on ordinary days will make me laugh it off, or simply shrug my shoulders. Truly this conflict which will be on its 13th day tomorrow can make a person be on his worse. Humor is the Filipino way of coping up with whatever disasters and human drama unfolding before his eyes. Without our usual humor, maybe the Filipino could have perished long time ago. We could have been the suicide capital of the world. But it is also our humor that sent many Filipinos back to where they were, without moving an inch forward, but also without taking a step backward. However, when the horrors of war becomes the reason for untimely dead, displacement of many innocent people, fear, confusion, suffering and the like, the Filipino humor becomes a vexation to the spirit and untimely and at times cruel. So I beseech to all my fb friends out there to be more understanding to someone who cannot figure out this mess rationally or logically but only emotionally, or until I will be able to go back to my usual self. I know I am better than this and that I am not the only one whose every day life is disrupted, but thousands more and are not as lucky as I am. But as for now, I am sorry I cannot be pleased about life as it is to be, I cannot appreciate humor the way I did. “The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.” So said Archibald MacLeish.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 14:22:24 +0000

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