The effects of hearing loss are more than physical While your - TopicsExpress


The effects of hearing loss are more than physical While your hearing loss may seem insignificant now — something you can deal with by simply turning the TV louder or asking friends to repeat themselves — it impacts more than you think. • Hearing loss can have a negative impact on your ability to learn, socialize and enjoy life. • Untreated patients are more likely to miss important information in meetings and phone calls, and make mistakes at work. • Hearing problems can lead to avoidance or withdrawal from social situations, social rejection and loneliness. • Friends often avoid talking to people with hearing loss because of the difficulty communicating. • People with uncorrected hearing impairment earn less than people who hear normally.1 To make matters worse, studies have shown that the effects of hearing loss are cumulative. Just as muscles grow weak from lack of use, the brain loses its ability to process sounds and recognize speech without regular auditory stimulation. By the time you finally acknowledge your hearing loss is real, you may have already lost the full appreciation of sounds and music you once enjoyed. Why wait? Everyone has different reasons for why they put off seeking help for hearing loss, from price issues and vanity concerns to preconceived and often outdated ideas of how hearing aids perform. The good news is that today’s hearing aids — like all high-tech devices — have come a long way in terms of looks and performance. And independent research shows that hearing aid usage has a positive effect on1: • Earning power • Communication in relationships • Intimacy and warmth in family relationships • Ease in communication • Emotional stability • Sense of control over life events • Perception of mental functioning • Physical health 1 Source:
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 01:29:50 +0000

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