The entire Northeast is in trauma. School closings, early - TopicsExpress


The entire Northeast is in trauma. School closings, early dismissal, milk and bread gone from store shelves, wall to wall news coverage of a HUGE snow storm heading our way. TWC loves to hype storms. When it’s all said and done we’ll probably have about 3 inches of snow - big deal. Anyway, we could get more and maybe your neck of the woods is getting hammered with snow. Either way I am going to share with you how to get your dog to go potty when the yucky weather hits. There is nothing worse than standing outside in the freezing cold waiting for your dog to do his business. So here’s what to do. Start teaching your dog to potty on cue. Yes, you can give your dog a cue and Fido will go potty. Here’s how it’s done: 1. Take your dog outside on leash. Your dog has to be on leash to teach this. 2. Watch your dog and wait for the signals that your dog is getting ready to find a spot and go. This usually involves sniffing the ground and circling. 3. As your dog gives the signals, start using a cue. I use, Go potty. So as I see the dog sniffing I say, Go potty, Go potty. 4. As soon as your dog starts to go, STOP talking. This is important, you need to stop talking as your dog is going potty. If you start to praise as your dog is going it may interrupt her and she may stop mid-stream or mid-push. 5. The second your dog is finished immediately reward your dog. If you use a clicker this is an excellent time to use it. A clicker signals to the dog that they were just rewarded for going. 6. Repeat every time you go out. If you do this for about 10 days, your dog will start to go when you give the cue. It’s pretty awesome and you’ll be happy that you took the time to teach this.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:55:21 +0000

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