The essence of Illumination, the secret religion of the - TopicsExpress


The essence of Illumination, the secret religion of the Illuminati, is that it is possible for any human being to literally become God. Therefore, the Illuminati are wholly opposed to any religions that seek to alienate humanity from God and to create a master-slave relationship in which enslaved humans, on their knees, worship a tyrannical slave-master God who must be obeyed no matter what, even if he demands of people that they commit supremely horrific and evil deeds. The most depraved and immoral God to which humanity has been subjected is the God of Abraham, the deity worshipped by billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews. The defining event of Abrahams life, which is celebrated by all Abrahamists, is that God ordered him to kill his son and he willingly agreed. This consent to murder is, perversely and criminally, regarded as something great and wondrous by Abrahamists when in fact it should be defined as the ultimate immorality and evil. If killing your own innocent boy is good then what on earth constitutes evil? If Abrahamists dont hesitate to kill their own children, they certainly wont hesitate to kill yours - as history has so horrifically demonstrated. Is it conceivable that the True God would order a father to make a human sacrifice of his own son, an act of irredeemable moral evil? Would any loving, moral father contemplate doing it for even one instant - or would he give his own life to save his sons? Would he not immediately conclude that the entity that gave the order was not God but the opposite: Satan? Who but the Devil would order fathers to murder their own flesh and blood to ensure their absolute obedience to his tyrannical commands? Its a category error to believe that God would order a father to kill his innocent son under any circumstances. Its quite simply a moral impossibility since it refutes all conceivable moral codes. Any person unable to see that is sick and evil, hence some three and a half billion Abrahamists must be classified as sick and evil. The Islamic version of Abrahams sacrifice is even more horrific than the Jewish tale. Allah orders Abraham to kill his son Ishmael while Shaytan pleads with Abraham to spare the boys life. Three times, Abraham violently drives Shaytan away with stones and at last gets ready to plunge a dagger into his son. Thats all you need to know about the morality of Islam - Muslims support murder and reject those who plead for life (and call them Satan!). Ishmaels mother, Hagar, was present as Abraham made ready to kill their son, and lifted not one finger to intervene. This nauseating story of murderous parental hatred towards their innocent child is commemorated every year by millions of Muslims at their Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, birthplace of Mohammed. Shaytans heroic efforts to save the boys life are disgracefully mocked in the ceremony of casting stones at the Devil. But who is the REAL Devil? Who is truly acting immorally - the one who orders murder or the one who begs for life to be spared? How can there be any moral debate at all when the answer is so obvious - Muslims worship a murderer, not the God of Life. They explicitly reject the God of Life by casting stones at him. A Muslim wrote to us to say that Allah is the greatest plotter. Were sure he is. He therefore manifestly isnt God. Why would God plot? Isnt he all-powerful? With whom and against whom would he plot? Does he plot against all those who say that morality excludes the possibility of anyone, God or human, ordering people to murder innocent children? The 9/11 terrorist hijackers were perfect Muslims, doing exactly the bidding of Allah - the God who orders the innocent to be slaughtered. If Islam forbade the slaughter of innocents, no one could consider 9/11 an Islamic act. But Islam enshrines the murder of the innocent. Its the focus of Hajj. Abraham is called the first Muslim. Islam was founded on the basis of killing anyone in Allahs name, even your own children. Shouldnt the tale of Abraham be the opposite of the one we are told about? An evil voice tells Abraham to kill his son and threatens him with terrible penalties if he refuses, and a good voice pleads with him not to. Three times the evil voice urges murder and three times Abraham rejects the wicked command, despite the terrible consequences he may suffer. The good voice then declares Abraham a noble and magnificent human being for heroically resisting evil, and declares that he should be emulated by the rest of humanity. Doesnt this version make perfect sense? The other version, the actual version, is insane, unless youre a Devil worshipper! The infamous events, including murderous threats and actual murder, surrounding the publication of Salman Rushdies novel The Satanic Verses go to the heart of the Islamic religion. Rushdies book refers to a greatly disputed event whereby, according to some scholars, Mohammed acknowledged that Satan had appeared to him as the Angel Gabriel and dictated false verses to him, which were initially inserted in the official Koran and then removed (because they supported a more tolerant stance towards paganism). Of course, the question is then raised as to whether the whole of the Koran was in fact dictated by Satan calling himself Gods angel. Mohammed himself feared that a demon had spoken to him on the first night of revelation and it was his wife who reassured him. Yet how could Gods prophet be in any doubt about whether he was being addressed by an angel or demon? Its impossible. How could a holy man struggle to differentiate between the voices of good and evil? Was his wife therefore the true founder of Islam? But how could she reassure Mohammed given that she had no idea what had taken place between Mohammed and the angel since she wasnt there and didnt experience it? Women, in Islam, are in any case never considered reliable. Would the True God ever create a religion called submission - or would a tyrannical Devil establish such a master-slave religion which demands that human beings get on their knees to him? The answer is self-evident. Abrahamists say that God was testing Abraham. So what was the test - to obey the most evil command of all without question? What kind of test is that? In fact, it was the Devil who was testing Abraham - and the test was to see if he was prepared to mindlessly and slavishly do ultimate evil simply to obey an order - just like the Nazis who were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials for only obeying orders rather than accepting personal moral responsibility for their actions. Did Abraham show any consideration at all for his son? Did he assume moral accountability? Did he genuinely believe that slaughtering an innocent child was a good act? Or did he not think at all, but obey like a programmed machine, and is this not in fact what is required of all Abrahamists - never to think and to conduct themselves like dutiful automata? Look at Muslims - can they even be considered human, or are they just Koranic machines? Jews obey over 600 commandments - why? Do they despise freedom that much? As for Christians, they are so irrational they think the Creator of the universe was born in a stable to a 14-yr-old Jewish virgin. The companion piece to Abrahams sacrifice is the story of Jephthas daughter. In this tale, a Jew burned his teenage, virgin daughter to death to fulfill an oath to Jehovah. Jehovah made no attempt to stop him. Why not? Because Jehovah is the God of Murder of the Innocent, the King Herod of deities. Abrahamists say that human free will is the cause of evil. They say that humanity should never have eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and learned for themselves how to judge good and evil. They should have remained absolutely obedient to God and thus, like Abraham and Jephtha, agreed to slaughter their own children for Jehovahs sake. Why arent these two diabolical men regarded as the very worst psychopaths? Why, instead, do three religions claim Abraham - the would-be child killer - as their patriarch and inspiration? Are they DERANGED?! Are the billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews - Abrahams descendents - who infest and infect our world, nothing but robotic, irrational Devil worshippers who call their Satanic Lord, God? Did Abraham believe that it was an intrinsic good to obey any order given by God? Can a human being who obeys without question be regarded as human at all? In what sense do such people exercise judgment and moral choice? Are they not just programmed machines? Abrahamism is the creed of absolute, mindless, slavish obedience to an infinitely powerful master. It is Hegels master-slave dialectic at its most extreme, with God as the eternal master and humanity permanently on its knees, eyes fearfully cast downwards, shouting Allahu Akbar to prove their loyalty and devotion and thus avoid infinite punishment in hell. They are driven by utter terror of the punishment God will mete out to them for disobedience. This punishment can be both infinite in scale and eternal in duration. What loving God would ever terrorize his own creations with such monstrous threats and promises of limitless suffering? Does God enforce his will through Terror? Is that his trump card? Such a being is not God but the Devil. Abrahamism is the supreme insult to human dignity and freedom. It stands in immortal opposition to the Enlightenment. It rejects reason and knowledge in every possible regard. There can be no glorious future for humanity until the wicked, mad Abrahamic past is obliterated. All Abrahamists are enemies of the human race, and followers of the cosmic Torture God, Satan. Can any sane and rational person imagine a religion of love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and peace being founded on the image of a father standing over his son ready to plunge a dagger into him at Gods behest? How mentally ill and morally evil would you have to be to imagine that any benevolent religion could have such foundations, grounded in TERROR. The God of Abraham is the Terrorist God, which is why so many of his followers are terrorists. The War on Terror ought to be the war against Abrahamism, the religion of the Devil himself. Abrahamism is the biggest lie and fraud ever perpetrated against the human race. It was the Trojan Horse by which Satan had himself proclaimed God by billions of slaves, retards, cowards and the constitutionally superstitious and fearful. Half of the world has been controlled for thousands of years by the Abrahamic religions. If these religions are a source of good, why is the world so evil? Isnt the obvious truth that its these religions that are the cause of human depravity? While they have manifestly failed to build a good world, they have succeeded spectacularly in creating an evil one. Isnt the rational thing to do to abandon failure and embrace a religion that actually works and tells the rational truth? Look at any picture of Abraham holding his dagger above his sons heart, ready to plunge it in to satisfy Gods will, and consider the violent history of Abrahamism. 2 + 2 = 4, right?! If we dont understand the past we are condemned to repeat it. WAKE UP! We are the Illuminati. We are Gnostics. We are Pythagoreans. We are artists, mathematicians, philosophers, scientists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, engineers, technologists, futurologists, radicals and psychologists opposed to the Devil who rules our world: the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. We are equally opposed to Zionist-Masonic free-market capitalism (which is actually a rigged, cartel operation designed to make the rich richer and to entrench the position of privileged elites) and seek its replacement by social capitalism, based on a much more even distribution of wealth and equal opportunities. The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone can become God. The Illuminatis radical vision is of a new humanity releasing its inner divinity - for we are a divine race, not a slave population to a Terror God. The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any further into the Illuminatis world of freedom, knowledge and apotheosis. This is not a website for the faint-hearted. It contains an enormous amount of philosophical, psychological, political, historical, scientific and religious content. If you are interested in embarking on the spiritual journey of your life then you have opened the door to a mansion of wonders. If, however, you have come in search of aliens, pan-dimensional lizards and evil Illuminists relentlessly plotting against the ordinary people of the world then you have arrived at the wrong destination. Makow, Icke, Jones and their ilk will be more to your taste. Our aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite, dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the Old World Order who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people. We are a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the human race to ascend to the next stage of humanitys divine evolution. We describe this higher level as the Community of Gods or the Society of the Divine. Its time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the tawdry idols that we call celebrities. Were sick of the bankers and traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their special advisers, the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers, the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. Were sick of all the same faces of the top people and their relentless tricks and tactics to keep enriching themselves at the peoples expense. Were sick of George W. Bushs Freedumb and Dumbocracy that cons people into voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and were sick of the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God. You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isnt it time to bring about real change? Isnt it time to seize our divine inheritance? We are the Illuminati. We are the messengers of the True God. Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race and the divine essence. We are able to show how this can be achieved using Einsteins theories of special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and the six-dimensional cosmology and Monadology of Leibniz. Its time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the first time. Our religion is called Illumination. We have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination - enlightenment - to everyone. The Illuminati Adam Weishaupt, the most controversial Grand Master of the Illuminati, is commonly regarded as a monster attempting to create a sinister New World Order. Weishaupt did indeed wish to overthrow conventional religion and all tyrannical governments. He did indeed wish to create a New World Order, one that would free humanity from the grip of the Old World Order that has Satanically ruled the earth from the dawn of time and which continues to rule to this day. Weishaupts mission is not over. The New World Order has not yet been built. The world is not yet Illuminated. All of you who wish to bring to an end the corrupt rule of rich elites such as those that run Wall Street, and evil dynasties such as the Royal Family of the United Kingdom or the Rothschild bankers, what are you prepared to do to assist our great endeavour to change this benighted world? It is time to dispel the darkness. It is time for Illumination. It is time to go on a new quest for the Holy Grail. The stories of the Grail had been of the greatest importance to me ever since I read them, at the age of fifteen, for the first time. I had an inkling that a great secret lay hidden behind those stories. Jung The Illuminati A site in England that was once used for meetings of the Illuminati. This website constitutes an unprecedented experiment, with one of its main aims being to defuse the absurd misinformation and disinformation that appears in enormous amounts on the internet regarding the Illuminati, making it the most controversial organization on earth. The Illuminati is an ancient secret society, currently comprising approximately 6,000 souls from all across the world. The Order of the Illuminati offers ten degrees, of which seven are ordinary degrees and the remaining three mystery degrees. The ruling council comprises the twelve most senior members of the Illuminati (those who have attained the tenth degree and mastered all of the mysteries). The Grand Master is elected by the ruling council and remains in post until death. This website is intended to provide interested parties with the equivalent of the information and training supplied to a sixth degree Illuminatus. This site is one of a number of initiatives run by communication cells of the Illuminati. The site is administered by three adepts who have attained the seventh degree of the Order of the Illuminati. For those who wish to get involved with building a new society based on the ingenuity, talents and power of the people, we recommend that you join The Movement. Where is it? Its wherever you are. This is the dawn of hyperreality. Join the resistance to the Power Elite. Build a New World Order in the name of the people. Make your contribution to a new society. The Ancien Régime is a Satanic Order. The Illuminatis noble and historic mission is to release mans higher self by destroying the archons - the princes of the world - who prosecute Satans will and hold mankind in their thrall. Their corruption has reached its zenith in France. That diabolical tyranny is ripe for destruction. All that is required is a spark. We are the spark. Adam Weishaupt (Grand Master of the Illuminati), 1789 This website features numerous songs by Pho, the rising, radical, super smart, new voice of hip hop. Were not looking for believers or fools. Were seeking Attitude, Creativity, Radicalism. Fresh voices for a fresh world. Do you have anything worth saying? Is it time for your voice to be heard? If all the smartest, strongest, most imaginative and creative people are on our side, who can defeat us? If you have it in you to become God then now is the time for you to hear the cosmic call of the divine, the sacred and transcendent Music of the Spheres. M For The Movement - Pho ***** Many thanks to Jyotirveda2 for the videos featured on this page, to Ahavahel for the logo designs, to A.W.Eishaupt for the Phoenix Pentagon design, to Pho for the music and to Elder Vampire for the speech track.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:14:33 +0000

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