The first amendment doesnt exist to keep religion out of - TopicsExpress


The first amendment doesnt exist to keep religion out of government. It exist to keep government out of religion! The second amendment ensures our right to bear arms and that right shall not be encroached, period! The fourth amendment of freedom from random search, seizure, and the right to privacy is disregarded by this administration. They have been caught spying on its own citizens! The fifth amendment affords everyone the right to a fair trail, but with this administration, you are guilty before you go to trial if it fits their agenda or its the popular thing to do! As usual, the liberals are trying to change the interpretation and disregarding the constitution. We are going to the polls in a few days! If you feel like you have been lied to by this administration, first ensure that you go to vote, even if you have to vote early or absentee!! Remember the following lies by the liberal Democrats!! Check these out!!! Then there is Bengazi - NSA spying on its own citizens The IRS using its position to harass opposing political parties, and disregarding requests for information Fast and furious Obamacare - the Affordable Care Act that isnt! Oh yea if you like you doctor, you can keep your doctor, & if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance! Ebola wont spread to this country, & we have nothing to worry about. Our experts are handling it! ISIS is not Islam, and we underestimated their abilities! I said that I would stop the always in the Middle East, and I did! Illegal immigrants are productive for this country! Lets open up the borders, and I will give them amnesty!! Geez!!!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:39:00 +0000

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