The following is a well organized thoughtful insight from my - TopicsExpress


The following is a well organized thoughtful insight from my fraternity brother H.B., please read: Dear self righteous, riots and public disorder happens in America all the time. After a major loss or win in any college town or in some instances a professional sport team, when militia, with snipers, prepare to shoot at government agents who were trying to enforce the law, and according to this video on Black Friday as well, the day after we are supposedly thankful for what we have. But only certain types of disorder or violent behavior is thuggery ignorant, anti-cop, or frowned upon. Police officers (feds) where performing their duty in Nevada because a group of armed white citizens were breaking laws and it was a stand off. No one accused them of hating police or being anti government (which they actually were) and more importantly, even though they had guns trained on federal agents they were not arrested or SHOT DEAD (reuters/…/us-usa-ranchers-nevada-militia-ins…). They were supported for standing up for themselves against a tyrannical system. Where ever you stand on any of the recent issues, be consistent. Thats why I dont argue these issues because the most passionate people change the rules depending on the circumstances which are usually fueled by their own fears, ignorance, and discrimination. If you are for guns and gun rights with very little government involvement or oversight, then you should be angry that a white man can walk into a public airport (the historical and symbolic crime scene of the largest domestic terrorism act in recent history) with a big ass REAL rifle and be taken into custody without incident but a black man buying a gun in Wal-Mart is shot dead by the police before he can leave the store with the PELLET gun he JUST PURCHASED (nbcnews/…/feds-probe-fatal-police-shooting-b…)! Logically and based off of the massive amount of mass shootings, the white male was a far larger threat then the black male. But even though the black male was logically a lesser threat, he died that day-and the white male, after terrifying everyone around, was safely taken into custody and later had all charges DROPPED! (azcentral/…/charges-dropped-man-br…/18515491/) Its that split second determination that means life or death and in that moment a black male is considered dangerous first until we prove we are safe. A non black male is safe first until he is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, proven to be dangerous. That is what makes this about race. Thats how racism is involved because it has evolved. We have example after example where this is the case and it sucks. The white actor playing a tv dad (7th Heaven) confesses on tape to molesting children (usmagazine/…/7th-heavens-stephen-collins-con…) just a month ago and I dont hear anyone talking about it anymore. Many dont even know it happened. Its already forgotten. But the black actor playing a tv dad (Cosby Show) and his exploits (which are wrong as hell) hasnt stopped being at the front of all news and will be for quite some time. Both are terrible but both are not dealt with the same. It sucks because I have friends of all shades and backgrounds, family members that I love. Its sucks not to have my fear for my son and daughter remotely understood. It sucks to have people constantly argue versus even attempted to empathize with my fear, anger and sadness. It sucks to have so much proven evidence of a societal bias but so many who wont recognize it or worse blame me for identifying it for what it is. Some say racism is over because we have a Black president. The last 6 years has only made clear how deep and hateful racism still is. For the first time public threats and unprecedented disrespect for the highest office of this country, the human symbol of this great nation, and democracticly elected leader is just commonplace and accepted. Regardless of political position, we have never seen this level of disrespect of a POTUS by other high level elected officials, to the point of international embarrassment. More often then not facts and real life examples prove that being a Black man means its too easy to be believed as bad and too difficult to be believed as good. I havent spoken on recent issues in order to gather my thoughts and emotions. This is not an invitation for debate. Debate with someone else. This is an organized and thoughtful expression. I dont argue facts nor do I discuss logic with those who are selective with their philosophy or use of logic itself. That is an exercise in futility that will gain me nothing in the realm of social change. Dear self righteous, be consistent with your critique. Be across the board with all that shit you talk. Or just admit that you dont care about fairness and happy being a judgmental ass (like the GOP staffer who felt comfortable blasting the Presidents teen daughters huffingtonpost/…/elizabeth-lauten-obama-daug…). To all friends, do exceptions exist? Of course. If you read this and feel some kinda way I challenge you to sit back and attempt to understand my perspective before responding. Take some time considering that you know me to be reasonable, logical, loving, decisive, and intentional. You also know me to honest and truthful (redundant, I know). This is an inside peek at my thoughts. Appreciate them or dismiss them, just dont argue. Im clearly not in the mood. #rareunfilteredhonesty
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:06:26 +0000

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