The following may be of interest. It presents us with the concept - TopicsExpress


The following may be of interest. It presents us with the concept that time travel is very possible. Times © 2013, D. Ertle The following is interesting in that it affords a concept for interstellar travel, moving at a speed greater than that of light. Movement of mass, as a speeding spaceship, greatly interests mankind. It is the leaving of our planet and exploring the endless multitude of stars that draws the imagination. Can it be done? Yes, and the distances we are able to travel in a second of time can be counted in millions of light years. We have to start at the beginning. Mass is composed of electromagnetic energy – light. When a high frequency photon enters near the center of an atom, it is able to be divided into a negative and positive electron pair. At this juncture electromagnetic energy (from now on noted as EME) has converted into three-dimensional mass instead of existing as a particular frequency of energy moving through free space at a distance of 186,282 miles per second, or 299,790,000 meters per second. This distance is still being traveled by the EME formed into negative and positive electrons but the velocity is now concentrated in a closed loop; a loop that has an arc of more than 360 degrees, one that bonds the beginning of the EME to its own following frequency. Conceptually it is similar to a person twisting an old time, stretch screen-door-spring into a circle and then sliding the coils of the two ends into each other. This act bonds the length of the spring into a circle. It appears that God used three basic values in the creation of our universe. They are described in the physics trilogy as: mass=E/c2, energy=mc2, and time=E/m. These appear to be the three values of creation. What needs to be examined is what time represents in its most fundamental meaning. c2=E/m is the third part of the physics trilogy. It describes a field of physical time, or that of the origin of gravity. The value of c alone may be described as c=h. The value of c being that of distance traveled in a second, and that of h as being a particular value of energy, each found within a second of existence. Both are constants, the values exist together as a single entity. When there is an increase of time, there is an increase of energy quantity. When there is an increase of energy, there is an increase of time quantity. Physical time to us is that of a distance that mass or energy moves in a particular amount of clock time, using the second scale. But what if time (distance) were reduced to zero time flow (no distance = no past or future)? This new value would determine what “present” time is apart from either past or future. This is how it is done. To find when time does not exist, multiply time c and the energy of time h, by 0.5, 82 succeeding times; by this means the physical distance of time within a second is reduced to zero. The value of c=h we seek at this time is found according to (c2 x h). This concept gives us the nearest value to zero time possible. After reducing c 67 times, by 0.5, the length of physical time becomes that near the wavelength of an electron (approximately 2.4263096 e-12 meter). It requires the reduction of this number 15 more times in order to reach the value we seek, further demonstrating the shortness and/or smallness of present time. Now c becomes 6.199563594 e-17 meter, and h becomes 1.370265216 e-58 Joule; these values being determined after 82 succeeding steps of reduction. At this time c=h becomes (t=1) = (h=1), each having the value of h=1 or t=1. t=1 = h=1 has become: time without energy, and energy without time. It becomes obvious that what we are composed of was brought about by an instantaneous creation. All the massive stars with their heavenly attributes have the same duration of existence as does the electron, radio wave, or graviton. Our total universe physically exists for the smallest fraction of a second and then exists again no more, forever, as it was. Everything moves to a new spatial location (a distance of 6.199563594 e-17 meter, during the time span of 1.986483864 e-25 seconds). Present time continues on and one, perpetually performing this position change just as it has for thousands of years; which is why physical time has a past, present and future, and why that of the past completely ceases to exist forever, to us of the present. This is not the end of our enquiry into time. There is another relationship that needs to be considered. It is that of the speed of light in one second as it relates to the smallest value just determined for c. Using the speed of light in meters, and dividing this by the shortest distance for c (6.199563594 e-17 meter), we determine the potential internal distance values contained in the speed of light within a second. 299,790,000 meters divided by the shortest distance c exists within a second becomes 4.835662954 e24 divided by 9.45417744 e15, a light-year). This becomes 511,484,260.2 light years in one second. Mankind uses the division of present time for his own use, which is known as entropy, but the actual potential distance value of EME mankind is ignorant of and unable to utilize. Were mankind to exceed the speed of light, he would not be transgressing the limit of the speed of light; he would be using what was contained within that speed. By observation it does not make sense that EME should have more than a single speed, but it has. There is the necessity of EME having amplitude, which requirement means that part of the speed of light is not moving in the exact direction of overall movement. It is obvious that there exists an external velocity (ev) and an internal velocity (iv) within the movement of EME. It is astounding that the iv is so great.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:50:22 +0000

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