The forgiveness of the sins: What says the bible? (Matthieu - TopicsExpress


The forgiveness of the sins: What says the bible? (Matthieu 5:7) Happy the merciful ones, because they will obtain mercy! (Romans 12:14) 14 Bless those which persecute you, bless and do not curse. (Matthieu 6:12) Forgive us our offences, as also we forgive with those which offended us; (Matthieu 26:28) Because this is my blood, the blood of the alliance, which is widespread for several, for the remission of the sins. (Luc 11:4) 4 Forgive us our sins, because also we forgive with whoever offends us; and do not induce us in temptation. (Luc 23:34) 34 Jesus known as: Father, forgives them, because they do not know what they do. They shared its clothing, while drawing with the fate. (1 Jean 1:9) If we confess our sins, it is faithful and right for us to forgive them, and to purify us of any iniquity. (Luc 17:4) And if he sinned against you seven times in one day and that seven times he return to you, saying: I repens, you will forgive him. (Éphésiens 4:32) Be good the ones towards the others, sympathizing, you forgiving reciprocally, as God forgave you as a Christ. (1 Pierre 3:9) Do not return badly for evil, or insult for insult; bless, on the contrary, because of being with that you were called, in order to inherit the blessing. (Jacques 5:16) Thus confess your sins the ones to the others, and request the ones for the others, so that you are cured. The enthusiastic prayer of right has large effective. (Acts 2:38) Pierre tells them: Repent, and that each one of you is baptized in the name of Jesus-Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Colossiens 3:13) You support the ones the others, and, if one has prone to complain about the other, you forgive reciprocally. Just as Christ forgave you, you forgive too. (Marc 11:25) And, when you are upright making your prayer, if you have something against somebody, forgive, so that your Father who is in the skies forgives you also your offences. (Matthieu 6:14 - 15) If you forgive to the men their offences, your celestial Father will forgive you too; 15 but if you do not forgive the men, your Father will not forgive you either your offences. (Matthieu 18:21 - 22) 21 Then Pierre approached him, and known as: Lord, how much time will I forgive my brother, when he sins against me? Will this be up to seven times? 22 Jesus tells him: I do not say myself up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven times. (Matthieu 5:39 - 42) 39 But me, I tell you not to resist the malicious one. If somebody strikes you the right cheek, to him also the other presents. 40 If somebody wants to plead against you, and to take your tunic, him still your coat leaves. 41 If somebody forces to you to do one thousand, make two with him. 42 Gives to that which requires you, and is not diverted that who wants to borrow of you. (Romans 12:19 - 21) 19 you do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but let act anger; because he is written: With me revenge, me the remuneration, known as the Lord. 20 But if your enemy is hungry, gives him to eat; if it is thirsty, gives him to drink; because while thus acting, these are burning coals that you will pile up on his head. 21 does not let themselves overcome by the evil, but overcomes the evil by the good. (Luc 6:27 - 37) 27 But I tell you, with you who listen to me: Love your enemies, make good with those which hate you, 28 bless those which curse you, request for those which maltreat you. 29 If somebody strikes you a cheek, to him also the other presents. If somebody takes your coat, prevented it not from still taking your tunic. 30 Gives to whoever asks you, and does not claim your good with that who seizes some. 31 what you want that the men make for you, do it in the same way for them. 32 If you like those which love you, which liking will know you one? The sinners also like those which like them. 33 If you make good with those which make you good, which liking will know you one? The sinners also act in the same way. 34 And if you lend to those from which you hope to receive, which liking will know you one? The sinners also lend to the sinners, in order to receive the similar one. 35 But love your enemies, make good, and lend without anything to hope. And your reward will be large, and you will be son of the Almighty, because it is good for the ungrateful ones and the malicious ones. 36 Be thus merciful, as your Father is merciful. 37 do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; exonerate, and you will be exonerated. Who has to perceive the tithes? Numbers 18 explains which must receive the tithes: “The Eternal called to Aaron: Here, of all the things which the children of Israel devote, I give you those which are offered to me by rise; I give them to you, with you and your sons, like right of oiling, by a perpetual law” (v.8). Priesthood levitic comes from the tribe of Lévi, of which Aaron was member. But, great priesthood comes from the family of Aaron — a family inside the family. God called to Israel to pay the tithes. Then He says to Aaron that its family and the Levites would perceive these tithes. Also note that the tithes were their heritage: “And the Eternal called to Aaron: You will not have a heritage in their country, and there will be no share for you in the middle of them: me, I am your share and your heritage in the middle of the sons of Israel” (v. 20 — Darby version). The Levites did not have a share in the country: their share would come from God. It was with them that the Jews were “to make out their cheques”. In order to reinforce what He had said to Brace to say to the children of Israel, God states, with verse 21: “And here, I gave for heritage to the sons of Lévi all the tithes in Israel, for their service to which they get busy, service of the tent of assignment” — Darby version). All whose Levites had inherited was 48 cities, dispersed through Israel. This territory was communal, so that it did not belong to anybody. (See Numbers 35:1-34.) The surface of these cities was enough to nourish the herds which they received as tithes. Of these 48 cities 6 were to be used as refuge (v. 6), to shelter those which had made a murder accidentally (v. 11). The heritages always remain in the family The heritage of an individual was not to pass from a tribe to another. Even in the case of a man who would have had only girls, and no son. The girl who had received a heritage was to marry only with somebody of the tribe of her father. Thus one made sure that the heritage would always remain inside a particular tribe. Notice Numbers 36:7-8: “No heritage among the children of Israel will pass from a tribe to another tribe, but the children of Israel will stick each one to the heritage of the tribe of his/her fathers. And any girl, having a heritage in the tribes of the children of Israel, will marry with somebody of a family of the tribe of her father, so that the children of Israel have each one the heritage of their fathers”. Just as the other tribes received a territory in heritage, the Levites received the tithes of the people. These tithes — their heritage — were to remain in this family! As long as this tribe remained the ministry of God, the tithes were to be versed to the Levites. But, today, it is the priesthood of Melchisédek, with Christ like sovereign Sacrificer, who perceives the tithes (Héb. 7:5-12). The apostle Paul wrote: “Dont you know only those which fulfill the crowned functions are nourished by the temple, that those which are used for the furnace bridge have share with the furnace bridge? In the same way also, the Lord ordered with those which announce the Gospel of living Gospel” (I Horn. 9:13 - 14). The payment of the tithe also applies to the Levites When the Levites perceived their tithes, they were in their turn to pay some. They were not different in this respect. But, how did they pay them, and with which? Notice what God called to the Levites: “You will speak to the Levites, and you will tell them: When you receive children of Israel the tithe that I give you of their share like your possession [heritage], you will take an offering for the Eternal of it, a tithe of the tithe… Thus you will take an offering for the Eternal on all the tithes which you will receive from the children of Israel, and you will give to the sacrificer Aaron the offering that you will have taken some for the Eternal. On all the donations which will be made to you, you will take all the offerings for the Eternal; on all that there will be the best, you will take the devoted portion” (Name. 18:26, 28-29). The tithe that the Levites were to pour went to the family of Aaron, the High Priest of the time. Even several centuries later, priesthood levitic always received the tithes. Note: “… and to deliver the tithe of our ground to the Levites who must take it themselves in all the cities located on the grounds that we let us cultivate. The sacrificer, son of Aaron, will be with the Levites when they raise the tithe; and the Levites will bring the tithe of the tithe to the house of our God, in the rooms of the house of the treasure” (Néh. 10:37 - 38). Jerusalem was the only place where the offerings were allowed on the furnace bridge. The sacrificers which were used for the temple received the tithes of the Levites and were to share them between them. It was there their heritage and their payment for the favour which they had done. If they were to neglect their function and to disobey God and His laws, then they would not receive anything. Their priesthood would die out, and their heritage would be decreased. Is there only one tithe? When we study the question of the tithe, certain Writings seem to indicate that we would be supposed to retain our tithes — and that we should spend about it the amount on ourselves. Notice Deutéronome 12: “They are here the statutes and the ordinances which you will keep to practise them in the country that the Eternal, God of your fathers, gives you to have it, the every day that you will live on the ground… but you will seek the place that the Eternal, your God, will choose among all your tribes to put his name at it, the place where he will live, and you will come there” (v. 1.5 — Darby version). One speaks here to travel to go at the holy Days of the Eternal, in particular the Festival of the Gate vaults (ask for our booklet entitled: DIVINE HOLY DAYS or pagan FESTIVALS? to learn some more on the annual Sabbaths of God.) What do we have to carry there? “It is there that you will present your holocausts, your sacrifices, your tithes, your first steps, your offerings in achievement of a wish, your voluntary offerings, and theborn ones of your large and of your smaller live-stock. It is there that you will eat in front of the Eternal, your God, and that, you and your families, you will make be used for your joy [according to certain versions: you will be delighted by] all the goods by which the Eternal, your God, will have blessed you… Nevertheless, when you have of it the desire (according to certain versions: according to all the desire of your heart), you will be able to kill out of the cattle and to eat meat in all your doors” (verses 6-7, 15). But, here the problem. If we must pour a tithe of all our incomes to priesthood, how will we be able also, and at the same time, to carry our tithes with us with the Festival — to spend them according to all our desire? The answer is simple. One speaks here about a second tithe. Note that the previous verse mentioned “your tithes” (in the plural). There is thus more than one tithe. The second tithe is the same amount as the first: the tenth of your incomes. You must put it side, and carry it at the time as of holy Days or of the Festivals of God. It can be used, as he is known as in the Writings, to buy all that our heart wishes (Deut. 14:26). Of course, that does not mean that all is allowed, that we can transgress the laws of God — as million so-called Christians does it. True Gods people will not want to covet things which are proscribed by God. However, we can wish all that is allowed inside the limits of the divine Law — all that acceptable or is allowed by God. The first and second tithes are different one from the other. They are two tithes distinct, used at different ends. The first tithe, as saw we it, was for priesthood levitic. Today, this one is used to preach the Gospel in the world through various media. The second tithe, it is that which one carries with oneself with the Festival — to spend with the Festival. The tithe of which it is question in Deutéronome 12 cannot act of same as that about which speaks Numbers 18. If we read Deutéronome 12 starting from the Septuagint, we read there: “You will not eat in your cities the tithe additional of your wheat… ”. The Greek word ephidekaton is used instead of dekaton. Dekaton means “tenth” or “tenth part”, while ephidekaton means “tithe additional” or “tenth except for”. If it were a question of the same tithe in the two books, then why to have used two different words to describe them? Although in certain fields the Septuagint of the Bible is not always exact, it is clear that the Jews which spoke Greek and which were in charge of translating the Hebrew texts into Greek, made the distinction between the first tithe and the second tithe. A tithe the third year? Now let us see another aspect as for the principle of the payment of the tithe and that practically everyone is unaware of. See Deutéronome 26:12: “When you complete to raise all the tithe of your products, the third year, the year of the tithe, you will give it to the Levites, abroad, with the orphan and the widow; and they will eat and be satisfied, in your doors”. Notice the remarks “the third year” and “the year of the tithe”. The third year refers to the third and the sixth year in a seven years cycle. The seventh year in this cycle is called “the year of slackening”. At every three years in this seven years cycle, the Christian must pour a third tithe additional. The latter is called the year of the tithe because it is the maximum number of tithes that it is ordered to us to pay. This year can prove testing and difficult, but God promises: “You will see whether I do not open for you the locks of the skies, if I Badly do not spread on you the blessing in abundance” (. 3:10). Which is the goal of this tithe? For which is it? Note: “… you will give it… abroad, with the orphan and the widow; and they will eat and be satisfied, in your doors”. The third tithe is used to financially support those which are in the need, in the Church — those which do not manage to provide for their own needs. It is a tithe special — a kind of “plan of insurances” of God for the least fortunate. It can be a question of a child who lost his father, of a woman who lost her husband or any person having temporarily lost her source first of incomes. In Matthieu 26:11, Christ said that there will be always the poor with us. That does not want to say: “poor one day poor always”. That means that it arrives sometimes of the unforeseen ones. It is the way for God of providing for such circumstances. Once more note Deutéronome 26:12 according to the Greek version of the Seventy. The Jews of Greek language knew that this tithe was a tithe except for; and that one was not to confuse it with the two first. The Septuagint employs another Greek word in order to transmit the exact direction of them: deuteron epidekaton, which means “second tithe additional”. First steps or first-born? The last two aspects of the payment of the tithe relate to the “first steps” and the “first-born ones”. Even if the “first-born ones” are not a tithe, the principle is nevertheless the same one. For any animal, its first steps, it is its first-born! Note: “You will devote to the Eternal all first-born, even all first-born the animals which you will have: the males belong to the Eternal… and, as Pharaon was obstinated not to let to us go, the Eternal made die all theborn ones in the country of Egypt, since theborn ones of the men until theborn ones of the animals. For this reason I offer in sacrifice to the Eternal all first-born males, and I repurchase all first-born of my sons” (e.g. 13:12, 15). God wanted that His people remember what It had done for him, by making it leave the country of Egypt. Now read 18:17 Numbers: “But you will make repurchase first-born ox, neither theborn one of the ewe, nor theborn one of the goat: they are holy things. You will spread their blood on the furnace bridge, and you will burn their grease: it will be a sacrifice consumed by fire, of a pleasant odor to the Eternal. ” Today, we do not offer any more of the animals in sacrifice. However, we always make offerings with God, at the time as of holy Days, as well as voluntary offerings throughout the year. Theborn one of any animal which one raises (one speaks here about the farmers, but the principle applies to all) must be offered to God. But, how? By selling this animal at the cost of its commercial value, then by giving this money to Work. In theory, the same applies as regards the fruits and vegetables. Those are more common and better known in term of first steps than of first-born, simply because there are more people who devote themselves to the gardening than with the breeding. Many people have a small garden in their back-yard — and the fruits which it produces are a blessing of God. Do not forget that it is Him which created the ground, the air, the sun, just as the water which makes push the plants. All that He asks in return, it is ten percent of the benefit which that reports. For those which are in the Church, they can bring the first steps of their harvest to their local minister, for his personal use. If this last cannot use the product, it can direct you towards somebody who can it. If there is nobody in your local congregation which is in the need, nobody who could profit from your first steps, then you can establish a price according to the commercial value of the product and give this amount to the Church as an offering. How can one calculate the offering of the first steps? Quite simply by calculating a tenth of initial harvest. For example, if you have ten plans of tomatos in your garden, wait until they start with well producing. Whatever the quantity produced by a plan, the gathering of this one constitutes your first steps. Do not offer very first green tomatos or smallest of cucumbers; wait until the production of the plans is regular. Or, if the production is abundant, collect all vegetables produced by the ten plans, then divide totality by ten. If a plan produces 10 kilos of something, then the tithe will be 1 kilo of this production. Deuteronomist 26 explains this principle more: “You will take first steps of all the fruits which you will withdraw from the ground in the country that the Eternal, your God, gives you, you will put them in a basket… You will present yourself to the sacrificer then in function… the sacrificer will receive the basket of your hand, and will deposit it in front of the furnace bridge of the Eternal, your Maintaining God… here, I bring the first steps of the fruits of the ground that you gave me, ô Éternel! You will deposit them in front of the Eternal, your God, and you will bow down in front of the Eternal, your God. Then you will be delighted, with the Levites and the foreigner who will be in the middle of you, for all the goods that the Eternal, your God, gave you, with you and your house” (verses 2-4, 10-11). The tithe of the tithe The “tithe of the tithe” was established by God to pay the general and administration expenses connected to arrangements of the Festival of the Gate vaults. During the year, a tenth of the second tithe is sent to the central seat in order to defray such expenditure; for the rooms, the auditoriums, the palaces of the congresses, as of other expenditure which the Church must pay — all that the members use collectively to observe the Festival. The “tithe of the tithe” is also used in order to help those which do not have the sufficient funds and which, otherwise, could not attend the Festival. After the Festival, several find themselves with a surplus of second tithe. This surplus should be sent as an offering, to defray the costs not covered by the tithe of the tithe. A last proof One of the most judicious evidence, put except for the Bible, to the effect that there were several tithes, comes us from Flavius Josèphe. This last was a Jewish historian very respected, around the second century of our era. Let us read what he wrote: “At once that Brace was informed by it… it ordered… that the people would pay him [with the tribe of Lévi] every year and with the sacrificers it tenth part of the fruits which it would collect… It also ordered that the people would offer to God the first steps of all the fruits of the ground, and with the sacrificers theborn one of the animals” (Ancient history of the Jews, Delivers Fourth, section IV). With section VIII, Josèphe wrote: “This is why in addition to the tithes which are due to the sacrificers and the Levites, you will book of them others which you will sell each one in your tribes, and of which you will bring the money to employ it in the Holy City with the crowned feasts that you will make in these feastdays; since it is quite reasonable to make rejoicings in honour of God from what comes from the grounds that we let us hold of his liberality. ” A little further is the principal point: “In addition to the two tithes which one is obliged to pay in each year, one with the Levites, and the other for the crowned feasts, it is necessary to pay a third of it to be distributed to the poor widows and the orphans. “It is necessary to carry to the Temple the first steps of all the fruits; and after having returned thanks to God to have given us the ground which them produced, and makes the sacrifices which the law orders, to offer its first steps to the sacrificers. That which will have discharged the two tithes, of which one must be given the Levites and the other employee with the crowned feasts, will be presented to the door of the Temple before being turned over some at his place, and will return there thanks to God of what it rained to him to deliver us of the constraint of the Egyptians and to give us a so fertile and so abundant ground. He will then state that he paid the tithes according to the law of Brace, and will request God to be to us always favorable, to preserve us the goods that he gave us, and to add even the new ones there. ” It is one cannot more clearly. At the time of Christ, the Jews understood well the divine system of the tithe. Also… now! It is necessary to quote a last biblical passage. If a person does not give with her heart, by pouring the tithes and giving offerings only because it is tell to him to do it then, that is only one burden for her, she will deprive itself of certain blessings. If wants to like us God we must give good heart and joyfully: “That each one gives as it solved in its heart, without forced unhappiness nor; because God likes that which gives with joy. And God can fill you of all kinds of graces, so that, always having in all things what to satisfy all your needs, you still have in abundance for very good work, according to whether he is written: He made generosities, he gave to the poor ones; its justice remains forever” (II Horn. 9:7-9). To collect all the blessings When God invites us to live according to His lifestyle, It offers to us in fact the eternal life as a member of Its Family. And by accepting Its offer, we agree to obey to Him for the remainder of our life. We engage; and God holds us responsible for this commitment. Several understand the full exact significance of it only after one certain time, after having grown in knowledge. Therefore, now that you are armed with full knowledge concerning the divine system with the tithe and that you understand the marvellous use of it, you are ready to collect of much greater blessings.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 17:33:38 +0000

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