The government struggling to cope with the flak from the budget is - TopicsExpress


The government struggling to cope with the flak from the budget is trying to move the national discussion to terrorism which it will accuse labor of being weak on as a tactic to better the polls. Abbott Government officially abandons its controversial plans to weaken down the anti-hate speech provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act, Tony Abbott announces that his government will no longer proceed with plans to rewrite section 18C of the Act, Liberal Party source confirms that the original plan to weaken the provisions against racism had always been “Tony Abbott’s promise to Andrew Bolt” Fairfax reports that the decision to abandon changes to the racial discrimination act had been taken in order to get “the moderate Muslim community” onside with the Abbott Government’s planned legislation to crack-down on home grown terrorism, senior Liberal Party source says that the original legislation “was seen to be swimming in a different direction to the terror legislation… As part of combating terrorism, we want the moderate Muslim community to be onside. One of the sticking points has been 18C”, party sources blames George Brandis for losing the political battle when he infamously declared that “everyone has a right to be a bigot”, Liberal MP complains that “it told every person who had ever been called a wog it was OK to be called such names VIDEO: Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus goes on ABC Lateline to outline why the Government should never have proceeded with changes to the Racial Discrimination Act in the first place Tony Abbott announces a $630 million funding boost for Australia’s spy and counter-terrorism agencies in order to help them better combat the threat of home-grown terrorism, funding boost announced following revelations that large numbers of Australian citizens were going overseas to fight alongside terrorist organisations in Syria and Iraq, Fairfax reports on the broader details of the counter-terrorism package VIDEO: Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop goes on ABC 730 to discuss the new strategy to combat home-grown terrorism
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:55:26 +0000

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