The hills are so fluent. The air crisp, the colors of the - TopicsExpress


The hills are so fluent. The air crisp, the colors of the landscape is an array of a fall rainbow. The sun is direct yet forgiving. My heart pounding with every new step. I will make it to the top. I will win this climb. I will not be over powered. Mother Nature, you may throw all of your resources at me: the sun, wind, and rain, but I will prevail. I stepped out the door and could not ignore the beckoning of Mother Nature as she painted her canvas of a perfect running day. I put my running shoes on and headed to the trails. The mountains where majestic with vibrant fall colors. Red, yellow, orange, and hint of purple. The hills are golden brown like the top crust of a pie. As I enter the path at the bottom of the mountain my view of it is limited. The trees are masking off where the trail leads. I begin my route. The air has the distinct smell of fall. The leaves starting to fall dusting the ground. It is a path that has been traveled by many. The earths crust has been carved out creating a rut that is visible only to the eye that is brave enough to embark on its travels. This rut has been carved by the tires of bikers that too find the trail a haven. As I continue on my way I realize that I am leaving the trees that have provided me with a wonderful shade protecting me from the rays of the sun. I push forward the incline now challenging me. As I climb I realize the grade is a lot steeper than I had anticipated. I will not give into gravity I will find my balance and improve my posture. Mother Nature your mountains are provoking, however, my feet continue on their way. I have felt your compassion for you have stowed the wind and rain. Is this a form of taunting me? Are you trying to see what I am made of? I will accept your charity and challenge and continue forward. The sun is getting more direct and the mountain trail is narrowing providing only enough traction for one set of foot prints. I carefully watch my footing as I get closer and closer to my destination. My lungs are now burning with the intensity of the my run. I can do this, I can do this, echoes in my head as I refuse to quit. I cant stop now! I can fill my heart beating faster and faster with the anticipation of reaching the top of this treacheries mountain. Do I give into the aching of my muscles? It is now time to decide if I continue on. I have come too far and I have trained mentally for this. Do I listen to the weak side of me or do I enjoy and devour this beautiful view? I take a deep breath and continue my climb ducking through trees and stumbling over the boulders that are obstacles from mother nature. My feet are slowly moving. My quads are on fire as the muscles tighten up. I keep my eyes forward. A few more steps and I have reached the top! “Ive got this!” I did it ! I have completed the climb! As I turn in a 360% direction I cannot be anything but humble for this is not the top. My eyes had deceived me. In retrospect there is no top and there is no winning. There is only continuing for Mother Natures beauty is un capture able and never ending. The mountains are all connected like a chain without any missing links. The crevasses have created the trail at which I just traveled. A picture that is not just worth a thousand words for you cannot apprehend its majestic wonder. I take a deep breaths slowing my heart rate. My mind is now at peace, for the obstacle of the mountain has been conquered. This is the gift that Mother Nature has bestowed upon me. This is life to be enjoyed, challenged, and traveled. I have now come to honor you and respect your resources. This is the gift of life. We are the stewards of the paths that we travel. We decided whether to turn back or keep going. Life cannot rob us of anything that we do not allow it to. Life is a metaphor of Mother Nature, you can not beat her nor change her for she will always find a way to humble you, the key to mastering her is to respect her.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 02:40:53 +0000

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